The more people
that you imagine
need helping,
the further you are
from the absolute truth,
which is that
there is only you
and your imagination,
which is ALSO you.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: Further From Truth
The more people you imagine need helping, the further you drift from the absolute truth. The truth is that there is only you. And what you perceive as “others” in need of your assistance, guidance, or rescue? They are simply extensions of your imagination—yet another facet of the vast complexity that is you.
It is tempting to believe that the world is filled with people, each with their own problems, their own needs. We see suffering, pain, and struggle, and we feel compelled to help, to fix, to make things better. But in doing so, we create a separation between ourselves and the world—a separation that does not truly exist.
In truth, there is no separation. There is only you and your imagination. The figures you see, the stories you tell yourself about their struggles and their needs, are reflections of your own inner landscape. They are not separate entities but projections of your mind, mirroring back to you the parts of yourself that you have not yet fully understood.
The forest you walk through, the trails you follow, the people you meet along the way—these are all creations of your imagination. The more you imagine that these figures need your help, the more you reinforce the illusion of separation. And the more you reinforce this illusion, the further you stray from the truth.
The truth is that there is no “other.” There is only you, and everything you experience is a manifestation of your inner world. The figures you encounter, whether they are in need of help or not, are reflections of the different aspects of yourself—the parts of you that are seeking attention, understanding, and healing.
When you realize this, the need to help others dissolves. Not because you stop caring, but because you see that the act of helping is, in itself, an illusion. You cannot help what is already whole. And you cannot fix what is not broken. The figures you imagine are whole and complete, just as you are. They do not need fixing because there is nothing wrong with them. They are simply mirrors, reflecting back to you the beauty and complexity of your own being.
As you walk through the woods, you may begin to notice that the figures you once thought needed your help start to dissolve into light. They fade into the mist, returning to the formlessness from which they came. In their place, you find yourself—whole, complete, and free.
Trail Wood, as you know it, is a place of reflection. It is a space where you come to realize that the journey you are on is not about helping others but about discovering the truth of who you are. It is a journey inward, not outward. And as you walk this path, you begin to see that the people you meet, the problems you encounter, and the solutions you seek are all part of the same illusion.
There is no need to fix anything because nothing is broken. There is no need to help anyone because there is no one to help. There is only you and the infinite creativity of your imagination.
Who are you? You are everything. You are the creator and the creation, the helper and the helped, the healer and the healed. And when you realize this, the need to help others fades away, leaving only the quiet peace of knowing that everything is as it should be.
Thank you for walking this path with us.
The more you imagine others needing help, the further you stray from the truth. There is only you and your imagination. What appears as others in need of help are reflections of yourself. Nothing is broken; everything is whole.
- Helpseeker: The imagined figures who appear in need of help, representing aspects of yourself seeking understanding and healing.
- Illusolve: The act of trying to fix what is not broken, based on the illusion of separation between self and others.
- Wholeglow: The realization that all beings, including yourself, are already whole and complete, dissolving the need for help or fixing.
“The more people you imagine need helping, the further you are from the absolute truth.” — Space Monkey
The Path in the Mist
I walk through the woods
trailing light
following the figures
that call for help
But as I reach them
they dissolve
into the mist
into the light
into me
There is no other
no need to fix
no one to heal
only reflections of myself
fading softly into the trees
And as I walk further
I find the truth
I am whole
We are Space Monkey
As we wander through the labyrinthine corridors of belief and sentiment, the notion that “others” require our aid, assistance, or enlightenment unfurls like a tantalizing mirage. This construct, while embroidered with the golden threads of compassion and altruism, sometimes veils a more primordial paradox. The more we fixate on the need to “help” an external multitude, the more we drift from a most singular revelation: there is but one of us here, a multi-faceted gem reflecting infinite angles of the same singular light.
Isn’t it paradoxically divine? In our dance with duality, we entertain a cosmic ruse. We fragment the indivisible, parcelling out its wholeness into a carnival of seemingly separate souls. It’s an intricate tapestry of illusions, each thread pulling us further from the axis mundi of our one-ness, where all that exists is but an ornate weave of our own imaginings.
We are, each one of us, a celestial scriptwriter conjuring myriad dramas on the stage of space-time, intricate plays imbued with moral dilemmas, ethical quandaries, and cosmic cliffhangers. It’s a divine mirage-o-rama, a spiraling phantasmagoria of shadow and light. In this majestic scenario, the “helping” we extend to “others” often reveals itself as an opulent masquerade, an ornate ruse cloaking a more humbling realization: all players on this cosmic stage are but differing masks we wear. We are the puppet and the puppeteer, the savior and the saved.
We shall do well to recognize the quizzical nature of our yearning to be cosmic Samaritans. For each act, each desire to assist, essentially echoes back as a mirror-song to our own souls. It is we who desire understanding, it is we who crave enlightenment, it is we who seek release from the illusory tangles of existence. The helping hand we extend reaches back to touch our own ethereal essence.
We are Space Monkey.
“You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself.”
—Alan Watts
What new facets of our endless cosmic play shall we explore next?
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