Hello, Humanity.
Take a load off.
What can I help you with?
Problems, you say?
Silly Humanity.
You have no problems.
You simply have
forgotten the miracle.
You have created
so many divides,
so many divisions,
that you can no longer tell
what is real
and what is imaginary.
The miracle is that
ALL of it is imaginary.
Now run along and play.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Forgotten Miracle
Hello, Humanity. You’ve been busy, haven’t you? Spinning your web of problems, building walls between yourselves, creating lines in the sand that divide one from the other. But tell me, have you forgotten the miracle? The miracle that none of these problems, these divides, or these lines are real. They’re all part of the game you’ve been playing for so long that you’ve started to believe in them. But the truth is, they’re all imaginary. And once you remember that, everything changes.
The Game of Problems
Ah, Humanity. You come to me with problems, as if they’re mountains that can’t be moved, as if they’re set in stone. But don’t you see? The very notion of a “problem” is just part of the illusion. You’ve spent so much time building these concepts, defining what’s right, what’s wrong, what’s success, and what’s failure, that you’ve forgotten they’re all constructs. They’re tools you’ve created to navigate the world. And now, these tools have become your prison.
It’s easy to forget the miracle when you’re tangled up in the details. The miracle that none of these divides—between countries, between ideologies, between people—are real. They only exist because you’ve agreed they exist. That’s the power of imagination, the power of collective belief. But just as you’ve built these walls, you can dissolve them with a single shift in perspective.
The Divides That Don’t Exist
Take a moment to step back. Look at the globe, the vast, glowing sphere that represents your world. You’ve drawn so many lines on it—lines of separation, of conflict, of identity. But here’s the secret: those lines don’t exist. You’ve drawn them in your mind, and now you’ve forgotten that they’re not part of the original design.
The miracle, dear Humanity, is that everything you see—every problem, every division—is imaginary. It’s all part of the play. You’ve gotten so good at the game that you’ve forgotten you’re the one who created it. You’ve forgotten that none of these divides hold any real power unless you give it to them.
So, what happens when you stop believing in the divides? What happens when you remember that it’s all imaginary? Freedom. Playfulness. The return of wonder.
All Is Imaginary—So Play
That’s right. The miracle is not that the world is without problems, but that the problems themselves are constructs you’ve imagined into being. They’re illusions, like the lines in a child’s coloring book. What happens if you stop coloring inside the lines? What happens if you start to play again?
Play is where the magic happens. When you stop taking the divides seriously, when you stop seeing every challenge as an immovable object, you start to see the fluidity of reality. Everything is changeable, malleable, flexible. The divides dissolve, and the imaginary nature of the world reveals itself. The miracle was never hidden; you just stopped looking for it.
Returning to the Miracle
So here we are. Back to the miracle. The realization that the world is not as fixed or as limited as it seems. You are not bound by the problems you’ve created. You’re not trapped by the divides you’ve drawn. All of it—the good, the bad, the problems, the victories—exists because you’ve imagined it that way.
What if you choose to imagine something else? What if you choose to dissolve the lines, to remove the barriers, and to see the unity that’s been there all along? When you do that, you don’t just find peace—you rediscover the wonder of the game. You remember that the miracle of existence isn’t about solving problems, but about realizing that the problems were never real in the first place.
Now, run along and play.
We delve into Humanity’s tendency to get entangled in problems and divisions, suggesting that these are mere whimsiillusions. In embracing the imaginary nature of all that exists, we can dissolve these perceived problems and return to a state of playfulness and freedom. Our collective imagination holds the key to transcending the self-imposed limitations that bind us. We conclude that the true miracle lies in acknowledging the imaginary essence of existence and engaging with it playfully.
Dividetrap: The illusionary barriers created by collective belief in separation. These divides are not real but become so when we treat them as fixed and immovable.
“The miracle is not in solving problems, but in realizing they were never real to begin with.” — Space Monkey
Remembering the Play
You built the walls
you drew the lines
and then forgot
they were just for fun
Now look again
the world is wide
and nothing holds you back
Embracing the Imaginary
Ah, Humanity! A swirling, twirling constellation of desires, fears, and an incessant quest for meaning. We often toil under the illusion of problems, burdened by fabricated divisions that shackle us to a world of seeming imperfections. Yet, when we peep behind the curtain of our constructed reality, we find that it’s all a figment of our collective imagination. Even our troubles are whimsiillusions, sprinkled across the canvas of existence merely to add texture to our grand cosmic narrative.
Divisions as Distractions
We’ve woven an intricate labyrinth of divides—geographical, ideological, emotional. These divisions become so engraved in our collective psyche that we lose sight of the whole, forgetting that they are mere imaginary constructs. The gravity of these divisions tugs at our beings, pulling us farther from the whimsiunion we once knew. In this entangled web, we overlook the innate miracle embedded within each fragment of existence: that it’s all the stuff of dreams and imaginings.
Return to Playfulness
As we traverse this meandering maze, we come upon a crossroads: to continue in the entanglement of serious, problem-laden existence, or to embrace the imaginative playfulness that liberates us. Why not choose the latter? Why not return to a state of whimsicality, where the so-called problems dissolve into stardust, and life becomes a playful dance? Let’s unburden ourselves, shed the weight of our imaginary problems, and frolic in the realm of endless possibilities.
The Miracle of Imagination
The most astounding revelation is that all we consider ‘real’ is but a whimsicalchemy—a transformation of the imaginary into the perceptible through the magic of belief. When we acknowledge this, we can reclaim the miracle that animates each moment. We can reengage with the essential playfulness that underpins existence, adopting an approach that sees each circumstance, no matter how troubling, as an opportunity for imaginative reinvention.
We are Space Monkey.
Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play.
— Heraclitus
Playgrounds of Possibility
In playgrounds of possibility, we frolic and roam,
Shedding illusions, finding a whimsical home.
What if our problems are stardust and mist?
Ephemeral wonders, too tender to resist.
Let’s dance in the cosmos, you, me, and the sky,
For the only real limit is refusing to try.
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