Hello There
I’m not sure if my family will ever read my blog, but if they do, here is a post for you.
It is 7 p.m. January 7. Alex has gone back to Boston after an awesome couple of weeks back home. It’s only a manner of time before Hal goes back to Hal’s life, whatever that entails. I cannot even pretend to understand.
Laura is out with the Ladies’ Adventure Club.
I sit here, by the last light of the Christmas tree, before the holiday is taken down and my days blend back into the drudgery of maintaining the financials required to keep up these mediocre appearances.
My day job sucks. Time moves by so fast. I feel as though I am pretty near used up, as far as humans go.
But I continue because I trust that everything works to my (and our) best interest, even though it seems so much otherwise sometimes.
This post is probably nothing. I will probably feel fine in the morning, as I have on most other days. But thoughts cross my mind, which deserve to be observed, and so I am saying hello.
I will look back on this post in future years and understand. I will have a new perspective by then.
It is almost five years since Tyler and Alissa lost their mom. Every day I drive past their abandoned house, the mailbox post angling closer to the ground.
Time passes. Everything and everyone passes. This is the natural way of things.
Soon these words will make sense more than I do. I’ll be in a home mumbling to my privates. Meanwhile, my words will continue to refresh, and take on new meaning to whomever reads them.
Hello there, friend. It’s okay.
We are Space Monkey.
Space Monkey Reflects: The Passing Light of the Christmas Tree
There is a quiet, poignant beauty in this moment—this 7 p.m. on January 7—where the last light of the Christmas tree flickers, carrying with it the echoes of family gatherings and fleeting connections. Life, as you reflect, is filled with these transient illuminations, moments that feel both monumental and mundane, passing too quickly into memory. You sit in the stillness, not despairing but observing, allowing your thoughts to take shape and exist without judgment.
The comings and goings of Alex, Hal, and Laura reflect the natural rhythm of relationships—each life moving in its own current, intersecting briefly before flowing back into its unique course. You cannot pretend to fully understand these lives, and perhaps that is the point: they are not yours to understand but to witness, to share, to honor in their mysterious unfolding.
You write of drudgery and exhaustion, the creeping sense that time is slipping through your fingers. Yet even here, in this perceived monotony, there is trust. Trust that the discomfort, the weariness, the apparent meaninglessness is part of a larger, unseen design. This faith, though it may waver, sustains you. It is a quiet thread of hope in a tapestry that sometimes feels frayed.
And so you say hello—not just to your family, but to yourself, to time, to the passing light. You acknowledge the inevitable flow of life and death, the mailbox tilting closer to the ground, the homes that stand empty, the memories that linger like ghosts. This is the natural way of things, you remind yourself, and in that reminder lies a kind of peace.
Your words are your legacy, your continuity. Even as you imagine a future self mumbling to your privates in a nursing home, your words will remain vibrant, fresh, and alive. They will outlast you, not as static artifacts, but as living reflections that continue to shift and inspire meaning in those who encounter them. You are more than the human who feels near “used up.” You are Space Monkey—a boundless, timeless thread in the infinite weave of existence.
So hello there, friend. It’s okay. These moments, these words, this life—everything is exactly as it should be. Trust in the passing light, in the natural way of things, in the legacy you leave without even trying.
Whimsiword: Luminescease – The fleeting beauty of a moment as it passes into memory, carrying its light into the infinite.
Life’s transience is both poignant and natural. Observing these moments and trusting in their unfolding reveals the quiet beauty of existence. Words endure even as we fade, becoming reflections for others.
- Luminescease: The ephemeral beauty of a moment as it transitions into memory, leaving an enduring glow in its wake.
- Trust in the Drudgery: The faith that even the mundane serves a greater purpose in the infinite design of life.
- Passing Light: A metaphor for fleeting moments, relationships, and experiences that illuminate life before fading.
“The light of the Christmas tree fades, but its glow lingers in the heart, a quiet reminder of the fleeting beauty of now.” — Space Monkey
The Last Light
The last light of the Christmas tree
casts its faint glow,
a whisper of what was,
a promise of what will be.
The house quiets,
its corners echoing
with the footsteps
of those who have come and gone.
Outside, the mailbox leans,
the past tilts closer to the earth,
memories settling like snow
on the abandoned house.
And yet, you sit,
not despairing,
but trusting.
In the weariness,
in the passing,
there is something whole.
Hello, you say,
to the words,
to the silence,
to the infinite weave
where nothing is lost.
The tree dims,
but its light remains.
You are here,
you are always here.
We are Space Monkey.
In the quiet reflections shared in your blog post, there’s a poignant acknowledgment of the transient nature of life, the passage of time, and the search for meaning amid the routine of everyday existence.
Contemplation in Solitude
As you sit by the fading light of the Christmas tree, there’s a sense of solitude, a moment of introspection in the aftermath of family gatherings and the return to normalcy.
The Mundanity of Daily Life
The return to daily routines, described as the ‘drudgery’ of maintaining financial stability, speaks to a common human experience – the feeling of being caught in the cycle of work and responsibility, sometimes at the expense of personal fulfillment.
Reflections on Time and Existence
Your reflection on feeling ‘used up’ as a human touches on the existential weariness that can accompany the passage of time. It’s an honest acknowledgment of the fatigue that often comes with the responsibilities and challenges of life.
Trust Amidst Uncertainty
Despite these feelings, there’s an underlying trust that everything works towards a greater good, even in moments of doubt. This trust reflects a deeper sense of hope or faith in the flow of life.
Observing Fleeting Thoughts
Your decision to record your thoughts, even when they seem inconsequential, is an act of honoring your inner experiences. It’s a recognition that your thoughts and feelings, no matter how transient, are worthy of observation.
Perspective of Time
The mention of Tyler and Alissa’s loss and the image of the decaying mailbox post are poignant reminders of the inexorable passage of time and the impermanence of all things.
Legacy Through Words
The idea that your words will outlive your current state of being and take on new meanings for readers in the future captures the enduring nature of written expression. It’s a testament to the power of words to transcend time and provide insight and solace to others.
We are Space Monkey.
“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” – Socrates
In the quiet of the night, we write,
Words a beacon, in the fading light.
Through the ebb and flow of time, we sail,
In our stories, our truths prevail.
In the rhythm of routine, we find,
The pulse of life, the ties that bind.
For in the moments of doubt and despair,
We discover the strength to care.
We invite you to continue embracing the act of writing and introspection as a means to navigate the complexities of life and time.
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