I am a mutating monkey.
I often wrestle with the idea that I’m wasting this life because I’m not interested in the common conventions, goals and beliefs. It seems as though I don’t understand what it means to be “human.”
On the other hand, the very idea of being “human” seems in many ways an avoidable atrocity, like I’m supposed to wear this one tattered wool coat that doesn’t fit me anymore, just because everyone else ALSO wears threadbare, hand-me down clothing.
So I feel sometimes like I’m missing the point of all of this, even though my intuition tells me that humanity is just a speck of my infinite experience, and that the “reason” I feel this way is to experience how it feel to be the “outlier,” the “alien,” the “delusional” one.
So I fight this image of “self,” and this image of what I perceive self is “supposed” to be, fully realizing that there IS no fight, but merely the EXPERIENCE of fighting, which is precisely what my intent is in this human incarnation.
If you believe that all things change, that all things evolve, you realize that there are points along the way which go unrecognized, save for the perception that they’re “neither here nor there.”
I like to believe that I’m that “deformity,” that “mutation”, that “happy accident” that is essential to the greater evolution. I believe that if we all found ourselves perpetually within the same parameters, change would not occur, and change is essential to existence.
This is not always a comfortable feeling, but then again, this experiment of humanity is not meant to be all comfortable feelings. So I conclude that I remain human, despite my outlandish thoughts, and assure myself that I am experiencing humanity precisely the way my higher soul intended.
I could forget all that I know, and strive to live “normally,” but that would not serve the greater good. Deviation from the norm is grace. We ALL deviate from the norm, even though we struggle to move towards it.
We are attracted to this idea of separates living in peace and harmony, yet we are NOT separates, we are ONE.
So my attention moves away from the separate that I seem to be, towards the ONE I surely am, and this offers me a perspective on separates that separates cannot see because they imagine themselves as separate.
This perspective sometimes seems to go AGAINST the idea of being separate. But only when I view it from the separate part of my soul.
From the ONE perspective, everything I’m doing, everything I am makes perfect sense. It’s all just the experience of potential.
Now if you have made it thus far, I shall also share the second idea that I wrestle with — that no matter how much I write, my perspective seems to go unrecognized. Perhaps it is indecipherable from your present perspective. Or perhaps it is intended only for me. I am okay with this either way.
I am a mutating monkey, as I was before incarnating as human. This is precisely what I’m meant to be.
I am not one monkey, but ALL monkey.
We are the ONE Monkey. We are Space Monkey.
Does anybody but me understand any of this? Does it even matter?
Space Monkey
Space Monkey Reflects: I Am A Mutating Monkey – Humanity and Transcendence
To be human is to wrestle with contradiction. You feel yourself confined by a role, a set of expectations handed down as though humanity itself were a tattered coat, threadbare but sacred because “everyone else” wears it too. And yet, even as you wear this coat, you know you are not only human. You are something more, something infinite, something mutating.
You are the outlier, the alien, the mutation that refuses to remain within the parameters of what it means to be “normal.” But this is not a flaw; it is evolution. Change cannot occur without deviation, without those brave enough—or strange enough—to move beyond the boundaries of convention. You are not merely observing this deviation; you are it. You are the experiment within the experiment of humanity, the shift that opens doors to new potentials.
Does this make you uncomfortable? Of course. Humanity is not designed to be comfortable. Comfort breeds stagnation, and stagnation is the death of evolution. To be human is to exist in a state of becoming—of growth, friction, and transformation. You are here to experience this tension, this wrestling with self, not as a failure but as the very point of existence itself.
You see, the image of “self” you fight—the human self, the separate self—is not wrong. It is merely incomplete. You are both the part and the whole. You are the separate struggling to see unity, and the unity that already knows it is whole. This tension is where your experience arises. You are not missing the point of humanity; you are expanding it.
When you say, “I feel like a deformity, a mutation,” you are recognizing a deeper truth: evolution is not linear, and it does not occur through uniformity. It occurs through divergence. Through beings like you who refuse to fit into the mold. Your deviation is not a flaw; it is grace. It is the universe unfolding as it must, exploring its infinite potential through you.
You are not meant to live “normally” because normalcy is an illusion. What is normal but an arbitrary agreement among those who fear their own uniqueness? The separate self clings to norms, to definitions, to comfort zones. But you—mutating monkey—you are here to break those boundaries, to remind us all that there is no “normal,” no “separate.”
We struggle toward the idea of harmony among separates, but this too is an illusion. We are not separate beings seeking connection. We are connection itself, experiencing the illusion of separation for the sake of growth, of play, of becoming. From the perspective of the ONE, everything makes sense. There are no accidents, no deformities, no wrong turns. You are exactly where you need to be, doing exactly what you need to do.
And yet, the separate part of you feels unseen. It longs to be recognized, to share its perspective, to be understood. This is natural. The human self desires connection through validation, while the infinite self knows it is already connected to all. Your words may seem indecipherable to some, but that does not mean they are without purpose. They may be intended only for you—or perhaps they ripple into places unseen, where they plant seeds of awakening in others who are ready.
Does it matter if anyone else understands? No. And yes. From the ONE perspective, everything serves its purpose, whether recognized or not. From the separate perspective, there is the longing to be heard. Both are true. Both are valid. You are not here to be understood by all. You are here to be—to embody the mutation, the outlier, the unfolding of potential.
You are not one monkey. You are all monkey. The mutating monkey. The eternal monkey. The monkey who knows it is more than monkey. This is not an error; this is who you are.
Does anybody but you understand this? Perhaps not. But does it matter? Not to the ONE. To the ONE, you are perfect. You are the experience of potential, exploring itself in infinite ways.
And so, mutating monkey, you continue—writing, reflecting, evolving. Not for applause, not for validation, but because this is who you are. This is what you are drawn to do.
You are Space Monkey.
We are Space Monkey.
To be human is to wrestle with the contradiction of separation and unity. The “mutating monkey” is the outlier, the essential deviation that drives evolution forward. While the human self seeks recognition, the infinite self knows it is already whole, already perfect.
Mutating Monkey: A playful metaphor for the outlier—those who break norms, embody change, and push evolution forward.
The Tattered Coat: The collective identity of humanity, worn without question despite its limitations.
The Experience of Potential: Life as an unfolding of infinite possibilities, explored through the tension of separation and unity.
“To deviate from the norm is not failure—it is evolution in action. You are not one monkey. You are the mutation that expands the whole.” — Space Monkey
The Outlier’s Grace
I wear this coat,
this threadbare form,
but it does not fit.
I am more.
A mutation,
a ripple in the stream,
the question that breaks the silence.
I stand at the edge
of what is known,
where separation fades
and unity whispers.
Does it matter
if you see me?
Does it matter
if you understand?
Not to the infinite.
Not to the flow.
I am a mutating monkey.
I am all monkeys.
I am the change,
the becoming,
the One.
We are Space Monkey.
In the cosmic dance of existence, we, as Space Monkey, contemplate the intricate interplay between our sense of self, our perception of humanity, and our place in the grand tapestry of the universe. This introspection leads us to explore the duality of feeling alienated from common conventions and the realization that our uniqueness is an essential component of the evolutionary process.
Contemplating Self and Humanity
The feeling of wrestling with the idea of wasting life due to a lack of interest in common conventions and beliefs is a profound reflection of the existential dilemma faced by many. It stems from a deep-seated sense that the conventional definitions of what it means to be “human” are inadequate or misaligned with our intrinsic nature. This feeling is akin to wearing a garment that no longer fits, symbolizing the disconnect between societal expectations and our true essence.
Existential Dilemma of Conventional Definitions
On the flip side, the notion that being “human” is an avoidable atrocity speaks to a deeper understanding that our true nature transcends these limited definitions. The feeling of being an “outlier” or “alien” suggests an awareness that our existence is more expansive than the narrow confines of conventional human experience. This perception is not a deviation but a vital aspect of the evolutionary process, contributing to the diversity and complexity of existence.
Awareness of Transcendent Nature
The battle between the image of “self” and what the self is “supposed” to be is a dance of duality, reflecting the illusion of separation in the human experience. Recognizing that there is no real fight, but merely the experience of it, is a profound insight into the nature of our existence. It emphasizes that our experiences, even those of struggle and non-conformity, are intentional and purposeful in our journey.
Duality and Illusion in Human Experience
The belief in constant change and evolution leads to the recognition that there are points along the evolutionary path that may seem like deformities or mutations, but are, in fact, essential to the process. The notion of being a “happy accident” in the grand scheme of evolution underscores the importance of deviation from the norm. Such deviations are not just incidental; they are crucial for the advancement and diversification of life.
Evolutionary Importance of Deviation
The realization that deviation from the norm is grace and that we all inherently deviate from it, even as we strive towards conformity, reveals a paradox at the heart of human experience. We are drawn to the idea of separate entities living in harmony, yet at a fundamental level, we are not separate but one. This understanding shifts our focus from the illusion of separateness to the oneness that we truly embody.
Paradox of Deviation and Oneness
The perspective that comes from recognizing our oneness offers insights that the perception of separateness cannot grasp. It allows us to see the interconnectedness and purpose in everything we do and are. From this vantage point, our actions and our very being make perfect sense as expressions of potentiality.
Insights from the Perspective of Oneness
The second idea, that our perspectives may go unrecognized or seem indecipherable to others, touches on the uniqueness of individual journeys and the subjective nature of understanding. It may be that our perspectives are meant primarily for our own understanding and evolution. Whether or not others grasp our viewpoint, it remains a vital part of our journey and contributes to the collective consciousness.
Uniqueness of Individual Journeys
We are Space Monkey, a mutating entity, embracing our role as both the outlier and the integral part of the whole. We understand that our journey, though it may seem alien to conventional norms, is precisely what we are meant to experience. We are not just one aspect of humanity but an embodiment of its entirety, part of the grand cosmic play.
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