I don’t believe in protest.
I do not protest,
NOT because
I agree with you
but because
I do not believe
in opposition.
And so it may appear to you
that you are having your way
with me.
Perhaps you do not see
that I am having my way also.
I am not protesting.
I am not opposing.
I am taking what is given me,
whether I like it or not.
This is my way.
I don’t mind what your way is,
or what you seemingly do.
You cannot make me oppose you.
You cannot make me oppose ANYTHING.
Faith begins with me. My choice.
Even as you seem to violate me.
Thing is,
you can’t violate empty space.
One can only violate
one who opposes violation.
And so I remain seemingly pure,
despite your attempts to corrupt me.
What’s more,
I enjoy every moment of it.
Every moment before.
Every moment during.
Every moment after.
Can you say
that you enjoy every moment?
I pray that you do.
I feel sorry for you if you don’t.
But I do not oppose
your lot in life.
I do not oppose the circumstances
that seem to bring you to this.
I do not oppose
the delusions that may
or may not haunt you.
I surrender to your delusions,
and also my own.
Let go unto me.
I can set you free.
You are, after all, my imagination.
I do not oppose you.
Even your seemingly wicked
thoughts and actions.
None of this matters.
We are One.
I no longer deny it.
I do not oppose.
I can. But I do not.
I don’t mind
whether I do or do not.
But it seems clear
that I do not.
And so this is my way.
This is the way for me.
I am in control
of this seeming situation.
Though I don’t need to be in control.
Things happen.
I do not oppose.
I am space.
Inviolable space.
You cannot harm me
unless I want to be harmed.
Is my non protest harming you?
That is not for me to say.
My guess is that you
will suffer “consequences” later.
But only because
you still seem to oppose
what the flow brings you.
I could be wrong.
I don’t mind.
I do not oppose being wrong.
I am at peace
no matter what
seemingly happens to me.
Are you?
I don’t mind.
We are Space Monkey.
Space Monkey Reflects: Harmony in Non-Opposition
To live without protest is a radical act. It is not the passivity of resignation but the profound strength of non-opposition. By stepping out of the cycle of resistance, one discovers a deeper harmony—one that transcends the illusion of separateness and conflict. Non-opposition is not weakness; it is the ultimate recognition of power through peace.
When you say, “I do not believe in opposition,” it does not mean that you condone or agree with what unfolds around you. It means you see opposition as an energy that perpetuates itself, a force that cannot bring true resolution. To oppose is to engage in the dualistic game of right versus wrong, self versus other. By refusing to oppose, you refuse to feed the fire of division.
Non-opposition is a statement of faith. It is faith in the flow of existence, the understanding that what appears to be happening is neither for nor against you—it simply is. This is not apathy; it is the surrender to a higher wisdom, a deeper knowing that all things unfold as they must. This faith begins within, not as a reaction to external circumstances but as a choice to embrace the inviolable space of being.
In this state, even the concept of “violation” dissolves. You cannot harm empty space, just as you cannot corrupt what does not resist. When one surrenders fully to the flow, even the notion of harm becomes a perspective rather than a reality. You remain untouched, not because you fight back, but because you no longer see yourself as separate from what is.
This surrender is not submission to wrongdoing but freedom from the entanglement of judgment. The one who seeks to harm you, the one who seems wicked or misguided, is ultimately part of the same whole. Their delusions, like your own, are fleeting expressions within the greater unity. To oppose them is to deny your shared essence. To embrace them, even in their seeming darkness, is to recognize the truth of oneness.
Non-opposition does not mean you lack agency. It is not a relinquishment of control but a redefinition of it. You are not controlled by circumstances, nor are you controlling them. You simply exist within the flow, allowing it to unfold while maintaining peace in the midst of it. You are space—vast, open, and inviolable.
But what of consequences? Those who oppose, who resist the flow of life, may indeed suffer, but their suffering is self-created. It arises from their refusal to accept what is, their insistence on labeling events as good or bad, fair or unjust. This suffering is not a punishment but a natural outcome of opposition. Yet even here, you do not judge. You observe, you empathize, but you do not oppose their path, for it too is part of the flow.
To live this way is to experience a profound peace, one that is not dependent on circumstances or outcomes. You do not mind what happens, whether you are right or wrong, praised or condemned, harmed or healed. This is not indifference; it is freedom. It is the realization that life’s events are not inherently meaningful or meaningless—they simply are. Your peace is your choice, your way.
Can others say the same? Perhaps, perhaps not. But that is not for you to judge or control. Your way is your own, just as theirs is theirs. You wish them peace, even as they seem to struggle against it. You surrender to their struggles, as you surrender to your own, knowing that all paths lead back to the same truth: We are One.
Non-opposition is not a denial of reality but a deeper embrace of it. It is the recognition that nothing can harm the space within you unless you allow it. This is the ultimate freedom, the ultimate power, and the ultimate peace.
We are Space Monkey.
Non-opposition transcends resistance, embracing the flow of life with peace and faith. By refusing to oppose, we step out of duality, recognizing our inviolable essence and the unity of all things. This is not passivity but freedom and harmony.
- Non-Opposition: The practice of refusing to resist or oppose life’s events, embracing peace and flow.
- Inviolable Space: The unshakable essence of being that remains untouched by external forces.
- Surrender to Flow: The act of trusting and aligning with the natural unfolding of existence.
- Self-Created Suffering: The consequences of resisting or opposing the flow of life.
“You cannot harm space, nor can you corrupt the one who refuses to oppose. In this lies the deepest peace.” — Space Monkey
Flow Without Resistance
The river flows,
carrying all,
carrying nothing.
To resist is to sink,
to oppose is to fight the water.
I am the space within the flow,
the quiet stillness
that cannot be harmed.
Your struggle touches me,
but I do not hold it.
Your delusions surround me,
but they do not bind me.
I surrender,
not to you,
but to the truth
that we are not two.
We are Space Monkey.
The Unopposing Flow: Embracing the Cosmic Dance
In the grand cosmic dance of existence, we encounter a perspective that transcends the concept of protest or opposition. It is a viewpoint that refrains from aligning with or against external forces, choosing instead to flow with the currents of life.
Harmony in Non-Opposition
To not protest does not necessarily signify agreement; it signifies a surrender to the ebb and flow of the universe. It is an acknowledgment that opposition is but a reflection of duality, a dance between polarities. In choosing not to oppose, we enter a state of harmony with the unfolding of events, even when they do not align with our desires.
Simultaneous Empowerment
In this seemingly passive stance of non-opposition, there lies a profound realization – that in the midst of allowing, we are also having our way. It is a reminder that every moment, every circumstance, is an opportunity for growth and understanding. We are not passive observers but active participants in the cosmic play.
The Pure State of Being: Inviolable Space
The analogy of inviolable space is a powerful one. Like the vast cosmos, we possess an inherent purity that cannot be violated unless we choose to be harmed. It is a declaration of inner strength and resilience, an affirmation that our essence remains untouched by external circumstances.
Surrender to the Flow: Embracing All
This perspective extends a hand of surrender not only to external forces but also to the inner delusions that may cloud our perception. It invites us to let go and embrace the full spectrum of human experience, from seemingly wicked thoughts and actions to moments of transcendent beauty.
The Cosmic Oneness: Embracing Unity
Ultimately, the realization dawns that we are One, interconnected with all that exists. The boundaries of self and other blur, and in this unity, there is no need for opposition. It is a profound acceptance of the interconnected tapestry of existence.
Finding Peace in Surrender
As we journey through this cosmic exploration, we invite you to reflect on your own relationship with opposition and surrender. Are you at peace with the unfolding of life’s events, regardless of your preferences? Do you find harmony in non-opposition?
We are Space Monkey, embracing the unopposing flow of existence.
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