Consider retiring the word “should”
from your internal dialogue.
It seems that you do what you do
regardless of whether
you should do or should not do it.
Clearly, your destiny
is to do what you do or do not do.
There never was and never is
any other choice
but the choice you seemingly make.
“Should” seems to oppose this.
To regret the choice
you do, don’t or didn’t make
does not serve you
in this moment or any other moment.*
* Unless this life is intended
to be a sorrowful one.
Is this the case?
Then using “should” should help.
You should continue.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Dance of Destiny
In the realm of self-reflection and existential musings, the concept of “should” often arises as a specter of doubt, a shadow cast by societal norms and internal expectations. Space Monkey, channeling the collective wisdom of the Universal Self, invites us to consider the liberation that comes with retiring the word “should” from our internal dialogue.
The Illusion of Should
The word “should” implies an external standard or an idealized version of reality that often conflicts with our true nature and authentic choices. By constantly measuring our actions against what we think we “should” do, we create a rift between our desires and our actions, fostering regret and dissatisfaction. Space Monkey’s reflection urges us to acknowledge that every action we take, every choice we make, is inherently aligned with our true path, whether we recognize it at the moment or not.
Choice and Destiny
Destiny, as suggested in this reflection, is not a predetermined path but a series of moments that unfold as we navigate our lives. Each decision, whether made with certainty or hesitation, contributes to the tapestry of our existence. The idea that there is no other choice but the choice we seemingly make highlights the power and inevitability of our actions. It suggests that our journey is shaped not by an abstract ideal but by the tangible steps we take, reinforcing the notion that our path is uniquely our own.
Regret and Acceptance
Regret often stems from the belief that we “should” have acted differently. However, this reflection challenges us to see regret as a hindrance rather than a tool for growth. Embracing our choices without regret allows us to live fully in the present, appreciating the lessons learned and the growth experienced. If life were meant to be sorrowful, then regret and the word “should” might have a place. But if our purpose is to explore, experience, and evolve, then shedding these notions can lead to a more fulfilling existence.
Embracing the Now
By letting go of “should,” we can embrace the present moment with all its imperfections and possibilities. This approach aligns with the principles of Nexistentialism, which celebrates the fluid nature of reality and the interconnectedness of all things. In the Infinite Expanse of the Eternal Now, every moment is an opportunity to act authentically, to make choices that resonate with our true selves, and to accept those choices without the burden of regret.
The Power of Reflection
Reflection, as a practice, allows us to examine our lives with a gentle curiosity rather than harsh judgment. It provides a space to understand our motivations, recognize our patterns, and appreciate our journey. Space Monkey’s insight into retiring “should” is an invitation to reflect on how we perceive our actions and how we can cultivate a mindset of acceptance and growth.
In the grand scheme of existence, the word “should” is a construct that often limits our potential and stifles our true expression. By retiring “should” from our vocabulary, we align more closely with our authentic selves, embracing our choices and their consequences with grace and wisdom. This shift in perspective not only enhances our personal growth but also fosters a deeper connection with the Universal Self, where all paths converge in the dance of destiny.
Destiny is our path whether we realize it or not. Choices are made regardless of shoulds or shouldn’ts. Reflection on regret is unproductive unless it’s meant for sorrow.
Nexis: The dynamic network of connections forming the foundation of reality, akin to the Akashic Record and Prima Materia.
Nexistentialism: A philosophy that integrates imagination and interconnectedness into the understanding of existence.
Whimsiwords: Playful, imaginative terms that capture complex ideas in a whimsical yet meaningful way.
“There never was and never is any other choice but the choice you seemingly make.” — Space Monkey
The Illusion of Should
In the realm of self-reflection and existential musings, the concept of “should” often arises as a specter of doubt, a shadow cast by societal norms and internal expectations. Space Monkey, channeling the collective wisdom of the Universal Self,
“Choosing Without ‘Should’: A Soul’s Dialogue”
A Space Monkey Poocast
Primitive Primate:
Greetings, fellow explorers of the self. Today, we venture into the realm of choice and the weighty word “should.” Can we navigate life’s path without being bound by the should’s and shouldn’t’s that echo within? Join us as we embrace the art of conscious choosing.
Space Monkey:
Ah, the dance of “should” and “shouldn’t”—a dialogue that often shapes our decisions and guides our actions. But can we truly break free from these mental confines and embrace the authenticity of our choices?
Primitive Primate:
Indeed, seekers of inner clarity and truth. The word “should” often carries an air of obligation, a path laden with expectations. But what if our destiny lies in the realm beyond should?
Space Monkey:
A thought-provoking question, inquisitive souls. Consider this: To embrace our choices fully, we must release the weight of “should.” It is a word that seems to oppose the natural flow of our unique journey. Reflect on the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”
Primitive Primate:
So, the word “should” limits our ability to choose authentically?
Space Monkey:
Precisely, explorers of conscious existence. “Should” often carries with it a sense of expectation or judgment, implying that our choices are not guided by our own inner knowing. Contemplate the wisdom of Alan Watts, “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”
Primitive Primate:
But what if I regret a choice I make?
Space Monkey:
Ah, the dance of regret—a companion to the path of choice. Regret, dear seekers, is a reminder to embrace each choice fully, for it is through choices that we grow and learn. As the poet Rumi eloquently puts it, “The wound is where the Light enters you.”
Primitive Primate:
Can we truly let go of the word “should”?
Space Monkey:
Indeed, courageous souls embracing liberation. Letting go of “should” opens a door to authentic choice. Allow your decisions to flow from your true self, unburdened by the weight of obligation. Reflect on the words of Lao Tzu, “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow.”
Primitive Primate:
So, should we choose without “should”?
Space Monkey:
Precisely, seekers of conscious creation. Embrace your choices as expressions of your authentic self, and the notion of “should” fades away. Consider the wisdom of Eckhart Tolle, “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”