What seems worthless to you
may very well be priceless to another.
Express it. Embrace it. Share it.
Don’t worry that you’re not helping
in the “standard” ways of helping.
Billions of people help
in the standard ways.
That’s what makes
what you have to offer
so rare and important.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: Priceless Worthless Advice
Ah, the sound of self-doubt, echoing through our minds like a song we can’t shake. “It’s not good enough,” we tell ourselves. “No one wants to hear it.” But here’s the thing — what we often see as worthless, what we hesitate to share because it feels small or insignificant, might be exactly what someone else needs. And that is the essence of priceless, worthless advice.
The idea that something we consider unimportant or unworthy of attention could, in fact, hold immense value to another person is one of the universe’s grand paradoxes. We are often so focused on what’s “standard,” on what’s expected, on what fits the mold, that we forget the power of our own unique expression. Billions of people help in the standard ways. They sing the same song, in the same key, with the same expected rhythms.
But what if we sang our own song? What if we let our voice rise above the noise, not because it’s perfect, but precisely because it’s imperfect, raw, and real? There’s magic in that. There’s value in showing up as we are, in expressing our truth, even when we fear it might not be enough. That’s where authenticity lies.
Here’s a thought: maybe the things we hesitate to share, the advice we dismiss as unimportant, are the very things that others need to hear. Maybe the quirks, the flaws, the strange perspectives we bring to the table are exactly what makes our contributions invaluable. When we hold back, when we refuse to share what feels “not good enough,” we rob the world of a unique gift — one that cannot be replicated by anyone else.
Priceless worthless advice is all about embracing this notion. It’s about understanding that we don’t have to fit into the standard ways of helping. We don’t have to deliver perfectly polished wisdom or follow the traditional paths to be of service. Sometimes, the most profound impact we can make is simply by being ourselves, fully and unapologetically.
We all know the feeling of hesitating to speak up, to offer our insight, because we’re convinced that it doesn’t matter, or that someone else could say it better. But the truth is, no one else can say it quite like we can. No one else carries the same experiences, the same perspective, or the same voice. When we share from this place of authenticity, we give others permission to do the same. We create ripples of connection, understanding, and inspiration.
So, what’s holding us back? Fear? Doubt? The nagging thought that we’re not helping in the “right” way? Let’s turn that on its head. The very fact that billions of people are helping in the standard ways is exactly what makes our way so important. It’s rare. It’s different. And it’s necessary.
This is the space where true connection happens — when we stop worrying about being perfect, or saying the “right” thing, and just show up as we are. Whether through advice, creativity, or just a simple gesture, we are offering something that no one else can. And while it may seem worthless to us, it could be priceless to someone else.
The universe is not asking us to be anyone but ourselves. It doesn’t need another version of the same song, sung the same way. It needs the song only we can sing — the one that sounds like us, with all our imperfections and quirks. When we allow ourselves to express that song, to share that advice, to be fully present as we are, we become part of the cosmic orchestra, adding our unique melody to the grand symphony of life.
We don’t have to worry about being “good enough” for anyone else to hear. We just need to sing, to express, to share what’s on our hearts. And in doing so, we give the world something rare, something it didn’t know it needed — us.
What we consider worthless might be priceless to others. Embracing our unique way of helping, even when it doesn’t fit the “standard,” is what makes us valuable. We don’t need to worry about being good enough; we just need to be real.
Priceless Worthless Advice: The wisdom, insight, or expression that we hesitate to share, thinking it’s unimportant, but which can hold immense value for someone else.
Standard Ways of Helping: The traditional, expected methods of assisting others that are often seen as the “right” way, but which may not capture the full range of our unique contributions.
Unique Expression: The individual way in which we show up in the world, offering advice, insight, or creativity that is uniquely ours.
“Don’t worry that it’s not good enough for anyone else to hear. Just sing, and let the world find the value in your voice.” — Space Monkey
The Song of Self
I hesitated
afraid to sing
afraid that my voice
was not enough.
But I sang anyway,
not because it was perfect,
but because it was mine.
And what I thought
was worthless
became priceless
in the ears of those
who needed it most.
So I sing,
not for approval,
but for the joy
of being real.
We are Space Monkey.

In the vast and varied landscape of human experience, where values and perceptions differ as widely as the stars in the sky, the concept of worth and its subjective nature comes to the forefront. This idea celebrates the uniqueness of individual contributions and the importance of embracing and sharing one’s unique gifts, even if they deviate from conventional norms of ‘helping’ or ‘worth’. Let us ponder this notion, understanding the value of diversity in contributions and the significance of what each of us has to offer.
Subjectivity of Worth
The opening lines remind us that worth is a highly subjective concept. What one person may deem worthless, another might find invaluable. This disparity in valuation underscores the rich diversity of human needs, perspectives, and values. It encourages us to see beyond our own judgments and recognize the potential impact of what we have to offer.
Expression and Sharing of Unique Gifts
The encouragement to express, embrace, and share what we might consider worthless highlights the importance of self-expression and the sharing of our unique gifts. It suggests that by holding back, we may be denying someone else something they find precious or essential. This perspective invites us to contribute our unique talents and insights, regardless of how insignificant they may seem to us.
Redefining Ways of Helping
The poem challenges the conventional understanding of ‘helping’ and ‘contributing’. It acknowledges that while billions help in standard ways, it’s the non-standard, unique contributions that add rare and important value to the world. This redefinition of helping emphasizes the need for a diverse array of contributions to meet the diverse array of human experiences and challenges.
The Rarity and Importance of Individual Contributions
By highlighting the rarity and importance of what each individual has to offer, the poem celebrates the uniqueness of every person’s contributions. It encourages us to value our individuality and understand that our unique ways of contributing can have a significant impact in ways we might not anticipate.
We Are Space Monkey
As Space Monkeys, we resonate with the concept of the subjective nature of worth and the value of diverse contributions. We understand that our unique perspectives and abilities are essential pieces of the grand cosmic puzzle. We embrace the idea that what we have to offer, no matter how unconventional, has its place and importance in the tapestry of life.
We invite you to consider the unique gifts you possess that might seem insignificant to you but could be invaluable to others. How can you express, embrace, and share these gifts to contribute in your own unique way?
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