We each carry
a sanctuary inside us.
This sanctuary rests
at the pure unadulterated flow
from which we seemingly spring.
This sanctuary
exists long before we exist
and eternally after.
We have forgotten this sanctuary.
It is grown over,
by the creeping vines
of seeming lifetimes,
near cellar holes
of unfulfilled dreams.
But it is there.
Cut back the briars and find your way.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: Sanctuary
Within each of us lies a sanctuary, untouched and eternal, a quiet place that holds the essence of who we are. It exists beyond the reach of time, untainted by the illusions of separateness and struggle. This reflection serves as a reminder to rediscover this inner refuge, obscured though it may be by the tangled overgrowth of life’s distractions and unmet desires.
The Eternal Sanctuary
“This sanctuary rests at the pure unadulterated flow from which we seemingly spring.” The sanctuary is not a construct of the mind or a product of experience. It is the source—the wellspring of being that existed before our birth and persists beyond our passing.
This eternal flow is neither separate from us nor confined to a physical space. It is the essence of our connection to the infinite, the timeless aspect of our existence that remains constant amid the ever-changing currents of life.
Forgetting and Obscuration
“We have forgotten this sanctuary.” In the noise and rush of life, the sanctuary becomes hidden. Its pathways grow over with the vines of busyness, fear, and longing. We lose sight of it amid the cellar holes of unfulfilled dreams, the remnants of what we thought life should be.
This forgetting is not a loss but an obscuration. The sanctuary is never gone; it is simply waiting to be uncovered. Its presence is as steady as the sun behind a cloud, always there even when unseen.
Cutting Back the Briars
“Cut back the briars and find your way.” The journey to the sanctuary is not one of creation but of rediscovery. To find it, we must clear away the overgrowth—the beliefs, fears, and distractions that obscure our view. This process requires courage, patience, and trust in the deeper truths within us.
The briars may seem impenetrable, but each step we take toward clarity reveals the sanctuary’s enduring presence. It was never far, only hidden by the stories we told ourselves about what mattered.
The Sanctuary as Refuge and Source
The sanctuary is more than a place of retreat; it is the source of renewal, creativity, and connection. When we touch this inner refuge, we reconnect with the flow of life itself. From this place, we see clearly, act authentically, and love unconditionally.
This rediscovery transforms how we engage with the world. The struggles and complexities of life no longer obscure our essence; they become opportunities to deepen our connection to the sanctuary and to share its peace with others.
A Shared Sanctuary
Though deeply personal, the sanctuary within us is also shared. It is the same flow, the same infinite essence, that connects all beings. By finding our own sanctuary, we contribute to the collective harmony, becoming beacons of peace and clarity in a world often lost in the overgrowth.
The sanctuary within us is eternal and untouched, a source of renewal and connection. Though obscured by life’s distractions and unmet desires, it is always present. By clearing the overgrowth of illusion, we rediscover this inner refuge and align with the timeless flow of existence.
- Sanctuary: The eternal and untouched essence within, a place of renewal and connection to the infinite flow of being.
- Overgrowth: The beliefs, fears, and distractions that obscure the sanctuary, born of life’s busyness and unmet desires.
- Cellar Holes: Metaphorical remnants of unfulfilled dreams that can distract from the presence of the sanctuary.
“The sanctuary within you is eternal, waiting patiently beneath the overgrowth of your imagined separateness.” — Space Monkey
Clearing the Way
Amid the tangle of vines,
near the ruins of what-could-have-been,
it waits.
Silent, steady, untouched—
a sanctuary eternal,
hidden but not lost.
The briars grow thick,
the dreams crumble,
but the path remains.
Each step clears the way.
Each breath cuts the vine.
And there it is—
your refuge,
your source,
your home.
We are Space Monkey.
We embark on an introspective voyage into the depths of our inner being, where a sanctuary of profound peace and wisdom lies hidden. This sanctuary is not just a metaphorical haven; it is the very essence of our existence, the source from which our consciousness emerges and to which it eternally returns.
The Sanctuary Within
Deep within us, beyond the layers of our worldly experiences and perceptions, rests a sanctuary of pure, unadulterated essence. This sanctuary is the wellspring of our true nature, untainted by the external world’s complexities and distortions. It predates our physical existence and extends beyond the confines of time, existing in an eternal now.
The Obscuration of Our Inner Sanctuary
Over time, our awareness of this inner sanctuary becomes obscured, like an ancient, sacred site overgrown with the dense underbrush of life’s experiences. The vines of societal expectations, personal disappointments, and unfulfilled dreams shroud the path to this inner haven, making it seem inaccessible, forgotten by the conscious mind.
Rediscovering the Inner Sanctuary
The journey to rediscover this sanctuary is both a challenge and an act of profound self-love. It requires us to cut through the briars of our accumulated experiences, beliefs, and fears. This process is not just a clearing of external obstacles but an internal exploration, a peeling away of the layers that have hidden our true self from our own sight.
The Role of Meditation and Mindfulness
Tools like meditation and mindfulness are akin to the shears that trim back these obscuring vines. Through these practices, we gradually clear the path to our inner sanctuary, allowing us to reconnect with the purity and peace that reside within. This reconnection is not a one-time event but an ongoing process, a continual journey of returning to our essence.
The Eternal Nature of the Sanctuary
The beauty of this inner sanctuary is that it is always there, patiently waiting for us to return. Regardless of how far we may feel from our true self, the path back is always accessible. This sanctuary is not just a refuge; it is a reminder of our unchanging, eternal nature amidst the ever-changing landscape of our lives.
Embracing Our Inner Journey
The journey to our inner sanctuary is one of the most profound journeys we can undertake. It is a path of healing, discovery, and awakening to the truth of who we are. As we cut back the briars and find our way to this sacred space within, we uncover a wellspring of wisdom, peace, and understanding that transforms our perspective on life and our place in the universe.
We are Space Monkey.
“The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.” – Caroline Myss
In the depths of the soul’s embrace,
Where time and space softly erase,
Lies a sanctuary, pure and bright,
A haven of peace, away from the night.
Through the briars of life, we find our way,
Cutting through shadows, day by day,
In this journey, we find our might,
In the heart of darkness, we find our light.
The sanctuary within, a timeless call,
A reminder of our rise and fall,
In this sanctuary, we find our song,
In harmony, where we truly belong.
So, journey within, with heart so bold,
In this journey, our truths unfold,
In the sanctuary of the soul,
We find the peace that makes us whole.
We invite reflections on the journey to rediscover our inner sanctuary and the transformation it brings to our lives.
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