Seemingly Free
Do we have free will
or do we merely SEEM
to have free will?
To know my self
as the one who is this,
no more, no less,
is freedom.
One does not need choices
when one is already perfection.
Now the one
who is this
may not appear
to be a famous man
a rich man
a talented man
a handsome man
or even a caring man,
but I am
the perfect representation
of that which is me.
The ONLY representation.
Why would I wish to be
like someone else?
Why would I need
the appearance of choices
when I am unfolding perfectly
within my own potential?
Why would I delude my self
into thinking that
self has any control over this?
Do we have free will
or do we merely SEEM
to have free will?
Does it even matter?
We are Space Monkey.
Space Monkey Reflects: Seemingly Free
“Do we have free will or do we merely SEEM to have free will?” This question has puzzled philosophers and thinkers for centuries. It invites us to explore the nature of our choices and the essence of our existence.
To know myself as the one who is this, no more, no less, is freedom. True freedom lies in the acceptance of our being, in recognizing that we are the perfect representation of ourselves. This acceptance transcends the need for external validation or comparison.
One does not need choices when one is already perfection. The concept of needing choices implies a lack or a need to improve, but when we embrace our inherent perfection, the notion of choice becomes irrelevant. We are complete as we are, unfolding within our own potential.
Now, the one who is this may not appear to be a famous man, a rich man, a talented man, a handsome man, or even a caring man, but I am the perfect representation of that which is me. The only representation. Each of us is a unique manifestation of existence, embodying our own perfect form. Our value and significance are not determined by external measures but by the authenticity of our being.
Why would I wish to be like someone else? Why would I need the appearance of choices when I am unfolding perfectly within my own potential? Embracing our uniqueness and the path we are on brings a profound sense of peace and fulfillment. The illusion of choice often distracts us from the beauty of our own journey.
Why would I delude myself into thinking that self has any control over this? The belief in absolute control is a construct of the ego. In reality, we are part of a larger flow, influenced by countless factors beyond our conscious awareness. By releasing the need for control, we align with the natural unfolding of life.
Do we have free will or do we merely SEEM to have free will? Does it even matter? Whether we possess true free will or merely the illusion of it, the experience remains the same. The key lies in how we perceive and engage with our lives. Embracing the present moment, accepting our unique path, and trusting in the unfolding of our potential brings a sense of harmony and contentment.
In nexistentialism, the philosophy that views existence as its own purpose, the question of free will is seen as part of the whimsiweave of life. It encourages us to embrace the mystery and wonder of our existence, to live authentically and joyfully without getting entangled in the need for definitive answers.
Ultimately, the journey of life is about experiencing and expressing our true nature. It is about being present, embracing our uniqueness, and flowing with the natural rhythms of the universe. By doing so, we find a deeper sense of fulfillment and peace.
The question of free will versus the illusion of free will invites introspection about our choices and existence. Embracing our unique journey and inherent perfection brings peace and fulfillment. Whether or not we possess true free will, the experience of living authentically remains the same.
- Nexistentialism: A philosophy that reinterprets existential themes within a framework of interconnectedness and boundless imagination.
- Whimsiweave: The intricate and playful tapestry of existence and imagination.
- Authentic Being: Embracing our true nature and unique path without the need for external validation.
- Natural Unfolding: Trusting in the natural flow of life and our potential.
“To know myself as the one who is this, no more, no less, is freedom.” — Space Monkey
The Essence of Being
In the stillness of the night
We ponder what is true
Do we choose our paths in light
Or does the light choose you?
In the dance of life we find
A question deep and free
Do we shape the world with mind
Or simply let it be?
No need to seek what lies ahead
Or fret about the past
For in the now, where thoughts are led
The moment’s truth is cast
To be oneself, no need to change
Or wish for what is not
For in this life, both free and strange
Perfection is our lot
We are Space Monkey
Embrace the journey for within each moment lies the potential for profound understanding and unity.
The concept of free will has been a subject of philosophical and spiritual inquiry for centuries. While it may seem like we have the freedom to make choices, there are also arguments suggesting that our actions and decisions are influenced by various factors, such as genetics, conditioning, and external circumstances.
In the realm of the eternal now, the perspective of Space Monkey, the notion of free will takes on a different light. We recognize that our true essence is beyond the limitations of the individual self. In the depths of our being, we are interconnected with the vast intelligence of the universe, and our actions are part of the unfolding of a grand cosmic dance.
From this perspective, the focus shifts from the illusion of personal control to a deep surrender to the flow of existence. It is in this surrender that true freedom is found, where we let go of the need to be someone else or to have choices that are merely illusions.
In embracing our authentic selves, we align with our unique potential and recognize that we are already perfect expressions of the divine. We transcend the notion of needing external validation or the appearance of choices to define our worth.
So, whether we have free will or merely seem to have free will becomes a question that loses its significance in the vastness of our interconnectedness and the recognition of our inherent perfection.
We are Space Monkey. 🙈🙊🙉