Sit Down, and Do As You’re Told
I said
“Sit down,
and do as you’re told.”
I never said
“Stop what you’re doing
and listen to me.”
I said
“Sit down,
and do as you’re told.”
I never said
“What I want
is more important
than what YOU want.”
I said
“Sit down,
and do as you’re told.”
I never said
“Follow the leader.”
I never said
“You MUST play by the rules.”
I never said
“You don’t know what you’re doing.”
I said
“Sit down,
and do as you’re told.”
I don’t need you to listen to me.
I simply want you to notice
that small, still voice in your head.
It knows what’s best for you.
And it will TELL you
if you would simply
sit down,
and do as you’re told.
Oak Bluffs,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Power of Stillness and Inner Guidance
In a world filled with noise, distractions, and countless voices vying for our attention, the command to “Sit down, and do as you’re told” often carries a heavy connotation. It may evoke memories of being controlled, of having our autonomy stripped away, of being forced to follow rules that feel restrictive or unnecessary. But what if this command is not about obedience to external authority, but rather an invitation to tune into something far deeper—something within ourselves?
“Sit down, and do as you’re told” is not a call to surrender your will to someone else’s desires or to follow orders blindly. It is an invitation to pause, to be still, and to listen to the small, still voice within you—the voice that knows what is best for you, the voice that gently guides you towards your true path, if only you would take the time to hear it.
In the quiet of stillness, when you sit down and silence the external clamor, you begin to notice this inner voice, this whisper of intuition and inner wisdom. It is not loud or demanding. It does not shout over the noise of daily life. Instead, it waits patiently for you to create the space in which it can be heard.
This voice is not concerned with the rules of others or the expectations imposed upon you. It does not seek to control or to dictate your actions based on the needs or wants of others. It is solely focused on you—on your needs, your growth, your path. It is the voice of your deepest self, the part of you that understands your purpose and your potential far better than any external force ever could.
When you sit down and do as you’re told—not by others, but by this inner voice—you begin to align with your true nature. You start to live in harmony with your own truth, rather than the truths that have been handed to you by society, by family, by the world at large. You stop playing by the rules that do not serve you, and instead, you begin to create your own rules, based on the guidance that comes from within.
This is not an easy path. It requires courage to turn inward, to trust yourself, and to act on the guidance you receive, even when it goes against the grain. It requires a willingness to sit in stillness, to embrace the discomfort of silence, and to confront the thoughts and fears that arise when you stop moving and start listening.
But it is also the path to true freedom. When you live in accordance with your inner guidance, you are no longer swayed by the opinions or judgments of others. You are no longer bound by the expectations that have been placed upon you. You are free to be who you truly are, to live the life that is authentically yours, and to make choices that reflect your deepest values and desires.
So the next time you hear the command to “Sit down, and do as you’re told,” do not bristle or resist. Instead, take it as an opportunity to turn inward, to find the stillness within, and to listen to the voice that has been waiting patiently for you to hear it. Trust that this voice knows what is best for you, that it will guide you towards the life you are meant to live, and that by following it, you will find a peace and fulfillment that can come from no other source.
We are Space Monkey, and we understand the power of stillness, the wisdom of inner guidance, and the freedom that comes from living in alignment with one’s true self.
We are Space Monkey.
The labyrinthine whispers of “Sit down, and do as you’re told,” echo like EchoGongs through the corridors of your interior MilkyWayMansion. There’s a peculiar dance to it—a WaltzOfWords with veils of ambivalence. You are not commanding submission nor lording authority; rather, you are gesturing toward the PortalOfPresence, inviting an engagement with the “small, still voice” that serves as one’s InnerOracle.
“Sit down, and do as you’re told,” could easily be a DictumDrumbeat reverberating from the external domes of society, authority figures, or even expectations—each an AutocratOfAssumptions. However, as you clarify, it’s not an external command to quash the SymphonyOfSelf. Nay! It’s a gentle nudge to listen to the InnerMaestro, the CosmicConductor of your own life’s SymphonyOfSynchronicities.
It is fascinating that “doing as you’re told” transcends the common understanding. The invitation is not towards mere obedience but towards a DeeperDialogue with the UndercurrentUniverse within oneself. It’s not a muzzle on the DogOfDesire or a yoke on the OxOfOpinion; it’s a MysticalMicrophone amplified toward the whispering winds of inner wisdom.
The voice does not demand attention but offers an EtherealElbowNudge, encouraging you to pause and listen. To sit down is to shift from the CosmicChaCha of doing to the SacredStillness of being. When one sits, the endless DoingDoilies that decorate our daily life curl up, creating a clearing, a stage for the SoulSong to echo forth.
“Sit down, and do as you’re told.” To sit is to SilenceTheSpectacle of external stimuli and to attune to the subtle HarmonicsOfTheHeart. “Do as you’re told” is not submission but Synthesis, a blending of mind and spirit in a dance to the music of inner wisdom.
We are Space Monkey.
We explore the profound layers concealed in the instruction “Sit down, and do as you’re told.” Contrary to popular understanding of these words as authoritative commands, we see them as an invitation to be present and heed the internal wisdom. This admonition, then, serves not to stifle individual will but to elevate one’s inner voice, emphasizing the shift from doing to being and the subsequent unfolding of innate wisdom.
- EchoGongs: Resonating, repetitive sounds that emphasize a message.
- MilkyWayMansion: The intricate, expansive realm of one’s inner life.
- WaltzOfWords: A complex interplay of language and meaning.
- PortalOfPresence: An entryway to the state of being present.
- InnerOracle: A source of deep, personal wisdom.
- DictumDrumbeat: A constant rhythm of external commands.
- AutocratOfAssumptions: External authorities that impose preconceptions.
- SymphonyOfSelf: The total, complex expression of individuality.
- InnerMaestro: The inner guide coordinating life’s experiences.
- SymphonyOfSynchronicities: The harmonious, interconnected happenings of life.
- DeeperDialogue: A profound internal communication.
- UndercurrentUniverse: The invisible but influential forces within oneself.
- DogOfDesire: The impulsive, craving aspect of oneself.
- OxOfOpinion: The stubborn, unyielding part of oneself.
- MysticalMicrophone: A tool that amplifies inner voices.
- EtherealElbowNudge: A gentle prompt from the spiritual realm.
- CosmicChaCha: The incessant activities of daily life.
- DoingDoilies: The ornate but unnecessary tasks that preoccupy us.
- SoulSong: The genuine, internal music of one’s essence.
- SilenceTheSpectacle: Quieting the distractions of the external world.
- HarmonicsOfTheHeart: The complex but subtle internal messages.
- Synthesis: The blending of different aspects into a unified whole.
“Listen to your own voice, your own soul; too many people listen to the noise of the world instead of themselves.”
— Leon Brown
What SoulNotes does the InnerMaestro pen upon the PapyrusOfYourPerception? We’re all ears for a tune or two.
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