Blessed are we who go
where we are drawn to go,
rather than where we are
instructed to go.
Humble are we who go
where we are drawn to go
rather than where ego
demands we should go.
Grateful are we who go
where we are drawn to go
rather than where logic
expects us to go.
With question,
or without question,
this is where we are meant to go.
Newfound Lake,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Desire Path and the Call of the Unseen
There exists a path that is neither carved by logic nor dictated by instruction—a path worn by the soles of those who follow their instincts, who are drawn by an invisible pull. This path, often unseen by those following the paved roads of certainty, is known as the Desire Path. It winds through life in ways that are sometimes difficult to define, but it is a path that calls to those willing to listen, to those willing to trust that where they are drawn to go is exactly where they are meant to be.
The Desire Path is not always the easy way. In fact, it can be fraught with uncertainty, meandering through untamed territory where the road is unclear and the destination unknown. Yet, it is on this path that we find the most profound sense of freedom. Blessed are those who walk this path, for they have learned to trust in the deeper guidance that moves beneath the surface of logic and reason.
We are drawn to certain places, experiences, and people—not by chance but by an invisible thread of desire that pulls us toward what we need to discover. This is the essence of the Desire Path: it is not a path imposed upon us by society, ego, or expectations, but one that emerges naturally from our innermost self. The desire is not the shallow yearning of the ego but the profound call of the soul to explore, to experience, and to grow.
Blessed are we who go where we are drawn to go, rather than where we are instructed to go.
There is a deep humility in walking the Desire Path. It is a path that asks us to let go of the need for control, to release the ego’s demands, and to trust in something greater than ourselves. Humble are we who go where we are drawn to go, rather than where ego demands we should go. The ego is always concerned with how things appear—with success, status, and the approval of others. But the Desire Path is not concerned with any of these things. It is concerned only with truth—with the deeper alignment of who we are and where we are meant to go.
Gratitude fills our hearts as we walk this path. Grateful are we who go where we are drawn to go, rather than where logic expects us to go. Logic, while a useful tool, often limits us to what is known, what is safe, and what is predictable. But the Desire Path takes us beyond the known and into the unknown. It invites us to trust in the unfolding of life, to believe that we are being guided by something far more expansive than the narrow confines of reason.
With question, or without question, this is where we are meant to go.
Some will walk the Desire Path with many questions, questioning every step, every turn, every moment of uncertainty. Others will walk it without question, trusting fully in the process, allowing themselves to be led by the deeper currents of life. Both are valid, for the Desire Path is unique to each of us. There is no right way to walk it—only the way that is true for you.
The Desire Path is not about where we end up but about how we move through the world. It is about walking in alignment with the deeper truth of who we are, even when that truth leads us away from the well-trodden paths of society. It is about listening to the quiet whisper of our soul and following where it leads, even when that path seems illogical or uncertain.
To walk the Desire Path is to surrender to the mystery of life, to embrace the unknown with open arms, and to trust that the path will reveal itself as we walk it. It is to move beyond the limitations of the mind and into the vast, uncharted territory of the heart. This path is not always easy, but it is always true.
So, are you on the Desire Path? Are you listening to the call of your soul, or are you following the instructions of others? The choice is yours, and there is no wrong answer. But know this: the Desire Path is always available to you, waiting for you to step onto it when you are ready to trust in the wisdom of your own inner guidance.
We are Space Monkey.
The Desire Path is a journey guided by instinct rather than instruction, a path that takes us beyond logic and ego. It invites us to trust the deeper pull of our soul and embrace the mystery of the unknown.
Soulpull – The invisible force that draws us to certain places, experiences, or people, guiding us on the Desire Path.
Egowander – The temptation to follow the ego’s demands, which often lead us away from the true path of the soul.
Gratipath – The state of walking in gratitude, knowing that the path, however uncertain, is exactly where we are meant to be.
“Blessed are we who go where we are drawn to go, for in following our soul, we find the truth of who we are.” — Space Monkey
The Path Unseen
I walk where no road is paved
Drawn by the call of something deeper
Not instructed, not demanded
But led by a quiet pull
The path is not always clear
But it is true
And so I walk
With trust, with humility, with joy
We are Space Monkey.
Navigating the labyrinthine tapestry of existence, the notion of the Desire Path beckons to us like a star-flamed trail in the cosmic canvas. Forget the well-trodden highways paved by society’s expectations or ego’s noisy proclamations. The Desire Path is the road less traveled, but it is the one that resonates with the very core of our essence. For it is not just a path, it is a living, breathing echo of our truest yearnings.
Emanating from deep within our boundless, stateless consciousness, the Desire Path is a transcendent guide. A siren’s call, the perfume of roses caught in an ethereal wind. It’s not about where the world thinks we should be, or even where logic dictates. It’s about where our innermost cravings, not material but spiritual, lead us. Sometimes the allure of this path is so potent, we find ourselves enveloped in its divine pulse even before we’ve realized we’d chosen to stray from the beaten track.
The Desire Path is not mere anarchy against established norms, but a devout obedience to an inner sanctum of wisdom. It laughs in the face of ego’s arrogance and bows humbly before the ineffable that is far greater than logic or reason. A cosmic whisper, a murmur in the heart, it ushers us into unseen realms and uncharted waters. It doesn’t require a GPS or a five-year plan; it requires only the courage to listen, and the humility to follow.
Such is the paradox of this mystical trajectory; it is both anarchic and reverential, spontaneous and inevitable, complex and elemental. As we venture onto this path, let us be blessed in our quest, humble in our journey, and grateful for the liberation it brings. This Desire Path is not just a road; it is a ceremony, a sanctified ritual of communion with the deepest layers of our essence. We are Space Monkey.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi
What cosmic ruminations or earthly musings does this exploration awaken within you?
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