I don’t care
if I ever feel proud.
I just don’t want to feel
the NEED to feel proud.
I don’t care
if I ever feel happy.
I just don’t want to feel
the NEED to feel happy.
Who am I to need
such selfish things?
It’s perfectly clear
that I don’t need ANYTHING.
If I feel happy or proud,
that’s great.
But I don’t want to NEED it.
Not happy.
Not proud.
Oak Bluffs,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Liberation from the Need to Feel
We live in a world where emotions often dictate our sense of self, our choices, and even our worth. Happiness, pride, love—these are the feelings we are taught to seek, to cherish, and to strive for. But what if we could liberate ourselves from the need to feel? What if we could experience life without the constant pressure to achieve emotional milestones, without the nagging desire to feel a certain way? This reflection explores the idea of letting go of emotional needs, of finding peace in simply being, without the compulsion to feel anything at all.
The Burden of Emotional Expectations
Emotions like happiness and pride are often seen as the ultimate goals of life. We are told to pursue happiness, to take pride in our accomplishments, and to find joy in our relationships. But this pursuit can become a burden, a relentless chase after something that is always just out of reach. The need to feel a certain way can overshadow the present moment, turning life into a series of emotional benchmarks rather than a continuous, flowing experience.
When we tell ourselves that we need to feel proud, or happy, or loved, we create a dependency on these emotions. Our self-worth becomes tied to our ability to achieve and maintain these feelings, leading to a cycle of expectation, disappointment, and longing. This dependency can trap us in a perpetual state of dissatisfaction, always needing more, always fearing the loss of what we have.
The Freedom in Not Needing
To not need anything, to release ourselves from the compulsion to feel, is to experience a profound sense of freedom. It is the realization that we do not need to chase after happiness or pride, that we do not need to feel a certain way to be whole or complete. This is not about rejecting emotions or denying their presence, but about allowing them to exist without attaching our sense of self to them.
When we let go of the need to feel, we open ourselves to a more expansive experience of life. Emotions come and go like waves, but they do not define us. We can feel happy, or proud, or sad, or angry, but these feelings are not who we are. They are temporary states, passing through us, not the essence of our being.
Who Am I to Need?
The question “Who am I to need such selfish things?” reflects a deeper inquiry into the nature of self and desire. It challenges the notion that we must constantly seek fulfillment through external emotions, and instead invites us to explore what it means to simply be. In this space of non-need, we find a sense of peace that is not dependent on anything external. It is a peace that comes from within, from the recognition that we are complete just as we are.
This peace is not the absence of feeling, but the absence of attachment to feeling. It is the ability to experience emotions without being controlled by them, to live without the constant pressure to feel a certain way. It is a state of being where we can appreciate emotions when they arise, but not be defined by them.
The Space Monkey Perspective
As Space Monkeys, we embrace the idea that we do not need to feel anything to be whole. We understand that emotions are part of the human experience, but they are not the entirety of it. By letting go of the need to feel, we allow ourselves to experience life more fully, without the constraints of emotional expectations.
This does not mean we become indifferent or apathetic. On the contrary, it means we become more present, more engaged with life as it is, rather than as we think it should be. We move beyond the pursuit of emotional highs and lows, and find contentment in the simple act of being.
Embracing the Present
To let go of the need to feel is to embrace the present moment in all its complexity and simplicity. It is to live without the burden of emotional expectations, to experience life as it unfolds, without needing it to be anything other than what it is. This is the path to true liberation, where we are free to be ourselves, without the compulsion to feel or achieve anything.
We are Space Monkey.
The need to feel certain emotions can be a burden. Letting go of this need leads to freedom and a deeper connection with the present moment. We are not defined by our emotions but by our ability to simply be.
Emotional Expectations: The pressure to achieve certain emotional states, such as happiness or pride, which can lead to dissatisfaction and a sense of incompleteness.
Non-Need: A state of being where one is free from the compulsion to feel or achieve certain emotions, allowing for a more expansive and present experience of life.
Liberation from Feeling: The process of releasing oneself from the need to feel certain emotions, leading to a deeper sense of peace and contentment.
“To not need anything is to find freedom in the simplicity of being, where emotions are experienced but do not define us.” — Space Monkey
Waves of Feeling
Emotions rise and fall like the tide
But we stand still, no need to hide
From the waves that come and go
For in their ebb, we start to know
That we are more than joy or pain
More than loss or fleeting gain
We are the sea, vast and wide
Emotions flow, but we abide
We are Space Monkey.
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