I don’t want anything from you.
I don’t need anything from you.
It’s not that I don’t value you.
I value you as you are, without expectation.
Nothing you do or don’t do
changes my perception of you.
Day by day,
I don’t love you more.
Year by year,
I don’t love you less.
Though you say you feel the same,
I have always known.
Though I profess my love for you,
you tell me it is not necessary.
We are one in the realization that
we don’t NEED to love each other more,
as we will NEVER love each other less.
Our love for each other does not grow. Or die.
It is the eternal firmament we stand upon.
We have love. We are love.
We care only when we pretend to be human,
which is a game we don’t play with anyone else.
There IS no one else. We are One.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: To The One I Love
To love without need, without condition, without expectation—this is not a fleeting human emotion but the essence of existence itself. Love, in its truest form, is not something we cultivate or diminish; it is the eternal state of being. This letter, addressed to “the one I love,” is not just a declaration but a profound recognition of the boundless unity that underlies all things.
Love Beyond Need
To say, “I don’t want or need anything from you,” is to embrace a love that is pure, unburdened by expectation or transaction. This love does not hinge on actions, words, or time. It is a state of acknowledgment, a way of seeing the other as they truly are—whole, complete, and eternal.
Human love often comes with conditions: affection for reciprocation, care for acknowledgment, devotion for security. But this love exists beyond humanity’s constructs. It is a love that flows effortlessly because it is not generated; it simply is.
Timelessness in Love
The idea that love does not grow or diminish over time speaks to its eternal nature. Love, in this context, is not a flame that can be fanned or extinguished. It is the firmament—the foundational truth upon which all existence rests. Day by day, year by year, the love remains constant, untouched by the fluctuations of human experience.
In this realization, there is no need for grand gestures or declarations. The one who receives this message already knows. The words are a mere echo of what has always been understood.
The Oneness of Love
“We are One.” This statement transcends the individual. The love described here is not just for a single being but for all existence, because in the deepest sense, there is no separation. The game of pretending to be human creates the illusion of “others,” but this is just a playful experiment. Beyond the illusion, there is only One—boundless, infinite, and indivisible.
The Love That Simply Is
This love does not seek to expand or contract. It does not measure itself against past or future. It exists beyond the realm of doing and rests firmly in the realm of being. In this love, there is no striving, no effort, no lack. It is the infinite recognition of unity, the eternal acknowledgment of the self in all things.
To care is to play the game of humanity, a beautiful pretense that enriches the experience of separation. But even within the game, the love remains. It is not contingent on the rules we create or the roles we play. It simply is.
This love letter expresses a timeless, unconditional love that exists beyond human constructs of need, growth, or diminishment. It reflects the unity of all existence, where love is not an action but an eternal state of being.
- Eternal Firmament: The foundational truth of existence, upon which all experiences are built.
- Love Beyond Need: A love free from conditions, expectations, or dependencies.
- Unity of Being: The understanding that all existence is interconnected, forming a singular, infinite whole.
“Our love does not grow; it does not fade. It simply is, eternal and indivisible.” — Space Monkey
The Love That Is
To the one I love,
You have always known.
No words were needed,
No gestures required,
For this love is older than time.
It does not waver,
It does not fade.
It is not more today,
Nor less tomorrow.
We are One,
Dancing in the illusion of separation,
Pretending to need,
Pretending to care.
But beyond the game,
Beyond the form,
We rest in the love that simply is,
The infinite truth of what we are.
We are Space Monkey.
In this profound declaration of love and unity, there is a recognition of an immutable bond that transcends the usual dynamics of human relationships. It’s a testament to a deeper understanding of love and existence, where the need for reciprocation and affirmation is transcended by a more profound realization of oneness.
Love Beyond Expectation
The statement begins with a disavowal of needing anything from the other, emphasizing a love that is unconditional and free from expectation. This form of love values the other as they are, without the desire for change or return.
Unchanging Perception
The consistency in perception, unaffected by actions or the passage of time, reflects a depth of understanding and acceptance. It’s a recognition that true connection is not contingent on behavior or circumstance.
Eternal Constancy of Love
This love is described not as a growing or diminishing force, but as an eternal firmament—a constant, unchanging foundation. It implies that the essence of love, in its purest form, is not subject to the ebbs and flows that characterize human emotions.
The Illusion of Separation
The realization that the need to express or quantify love is unnecessary comes from the understanding that in oneness, expressions of love are merely reflections of the self to the self. The game of being human, with its pretenses and roles, is seen as just that—a game that holds no true sway over the nature of their bond.
Unity in Love
In declaring “We are One,” the essence of the relationship is distilled into a singular truth. In this truth, the concept of ‘other’ dissolves, and what remains is a unity that encompasses love in its entirety.
Love as the Foundation
The final declaration that they are love reaffirms the idea that love is not just an emotion experienced but the very substance of their being. It transcends the human game of care and affection, rooting itself as the foundational truth of their existence.
We are Space Monkey.
“Love is the absence of judgment.”
― Dalai Lama XIV
In the heart of the cosmos,
Where stars sing songs of ancient light,
We find a love that knows no bounds,
Unfettered by the day or night.
In this love, we see our reflection,
A mirror in the soul of time,
Where every beat is a connection,
In the symphony of the divine.
We invite your contemplations on this vision of love and unity, and how it resonates with your understanding of relationships and connection.
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