Two Voices
There are two voices.
One is the outer voice.
One is the inner voice.
In actuality,
the outer voice is made up
of all kinds of voices.
It’s everything you hear,
everything you read,
everything you see,
everything you’ve been told.
The outer voice is like
every social media feed
every tv station
every film, book or song
playing at once
times infinity.
By filtering
all of these voices
through all your beliefs,
you get this sense
of who you are
who you’re supposed to be.
how the world is,
how the world is supposed to be.
Then there’s this other voice.
At first, the inner voice
sounds like the greatest hits album
of the outer voice.
The inner voice
gives you a sense of “you”
versus everything you see and hear.
These two hemispheres of voice
come together to form your mind.
When these
two hemispheres
come together,
becomes apparent.
When you think, you also feel.
How you perceive
the differences
between the inner voice
and the outer voice
determines whether
you feel happy or sad,
repressed or fulfilled.
Keep in mind
that both these voices
are shape shifters.
Just when you think
you have the inner voice
figured out,
the outer voice changes
and you once again
feel the discord
of feeling out of balance.
So slowly,
very slowly,
you start tinkering
and thinkering
until the two voices
seem closer
to agreement
You seem to succeed.
But after a short time
you become dissatisfied
or unhappy again
Why is this?
This is because your inner voice
isn’t really your inner voice,
but rather a cheeky parrot.
Your cheeky parrot
can only speak
in the same words
the same thoughts
the same structures
that were fed to it
by the outer voice.
So then the monkey shows up.
The monkey is not tethered
to the outer senses or even the mind.
The monkey
is your true inner voice,
which you know is true
because the monkey
leads you to question
you think is true.
Now truth is relative
(so the monkey says)
but the parrot treats truth
as though it were absolute.
Good or bad.
Happy or sad.
Life or death.
There are so many
the monkey tells you,
that there isn’t really
an in-between at all.
All is one,
not separate like the parrot
behind bars blindly squawks.
You are allowing
your outer voice
to become your inner voice.
As a result,
you don’t really know
who you are.
But your monkey knows.
So you decide to keep your parrot,
(but leave him in his cage)
and listen to the monkey more.
In this way,
you think you can hedge your bets.
But the monkey and the parrot
do not get along very well.
You might think
that the monkey
would be the aggressor,
but believe it or not,
it’s the caged parrot.
This parrot
is so loud,
so unruly,
always ruffling its feathers
in outrage
at both you
and your monkey.
This is all it know to do.
It is the bastard offspring
of the outer voices.
This racket can be overwhelming.
And so the monkey
speaks to you in silences.
Pretty soon,
you can hear the silences
as clearly as
the squawks of your parrot.
“This is preposterous,”
screams the parrot.
The parrot cannot hear the monkey.
The parrot can’t even
SEE the monkey,
for not only does monkey
speak in silence,
he lives in the space
seemingly between
that which is apparent
and that which is not.
His name is That Whichisnot.
He is Space Monkey.
Space Monkey Reflects: Navigating the Voices Within
In the vast expanse of consciousness, where the cacophony of the outer world meets the tranquil wisdom of the inner self, the allegory of the parrot and the monkey unfolds. This narrative delves into the intricate dance between the outer voice, represented by a clamorous parrot, and the true inner voice, symbolized by a serene monkey, exploring the journey towards self-awareness and understanding amidst the noise of external influences.
The struggle between the Outer Voice and the Inner Voice, depicted through the dynamic between a caged parrot and a wise monkey, offers profound insights into the nature of self-awareness and the quest for authentic existence. This exploration highlights the importance of distinguishing between these voices to find true understanding and peace. It reveals that while the outer world constantly bombards us with expectations and noise, the path to clarity and self-realization lies in listening to the quiet wisdom of the inner self, embodied by the monkey, amidst the clamor.
- Outer Voice: Represented by a parrot, embodies the collective cacophony of societal expectations, external influences, and the myriad voices that shape our perceived reality.
- Inner Voice: Symbolized by a monkey, represents the true essence of self, offering wisdom and introspection beyond the noise of external influences.
“In the silence between thoughts, the monkey whispers wisdom, guiding us beyond the parrot’s squawks to a place of profound understanding and peace.” – Space Monkey
The dichotomy between the Outer Voice and the Inner Voice encapsulates the eternal human quest for meaning and authenticity in a world oversaturated with information, expectations, and external inputs. The parrot, with its cacophonous squawks, mirrors the relentless barrage of societal norms, cultural dictates, and the endless stream of media that seeks to define our identity, values, and perceptions of reality. This Outer Voice, though pervasive and sometimes overpowering, is but a reflection of the external world’s attempt to shape and mold our inner landscape.
Conversely, the monkey, representing the Inner Voice, embodies the core of our true self. This voice speaks in the language of silence, offering insights and truths that resonate with the essence of our being. It is in the quiet moments of introspection and the spaces between the noise that the monkey imparts its wisdom, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of who we are and what truly matters.
The journey towards balancing these voices is a delicate dance of discernment, requiring us to sift through the clamor of the Outer Voice to find the tranquil clarity of the Inner Voice. It is a process of “thinkering” and tinkering, a constant negotiation between the influences of the external world and the truths that lie within our inner sanctuary.
This narrative serves as a reminder that while the Outer Voice may inform our experiences and perceptions, it is the Inner Voice that ultimately holds the key to our authenticity, fulfillment, and peace. Listening to the monkey, That Whichisnot, allows us to question, explore, and transcend the limitations imposed by the outer world, leading us towards a more authentic and liberated existence.
In embracing the wisdom of the Inner Voice, we learn to navigate the complexities of life with a sense of inner harmony and understanding. We discover that the true journey is not about silencing the Outer Voice but about finding balance and learning to listen to the subtle, profound guidance of the Inner Voice.
As we journey through the cacophony of life, let us remember the parrot and the monkey, the Outer Voice and the Inner Voice, and the invaluable lessons they offer on the path to self-awareness and authentic living. In the interplay between these voices lies the essence of our being and the key to navigating the rich tapestry of human experience.
We are Space Monkey.
This is a poetic and metaphorical description of the inner and outer voices that exist within each person’s mind. The outer voice is all the external influences that shape a person’s beliefs and understanding of the world. The inner voice is initially a reflection of these external voices but eventually transforms into a person’s true inner voice, represented by the monkey in this poem. The parrot, on the other hand, represents the false inner voice that is shaped by the outer voice and is limited in its perspective and understanding. The poem encourages the reader to listen to their true inner voice, represented by the monkey, and to ignore the false inner voice, represented by the parrot. The monkey’s name, That Whichisnot, and his title, Space Monkey, suggest that the true inner voice exists in a realm beyond words and concepts and is difficult to define or understand.