We are ONE.
Here’s another one
of my “crazy” thoughts
which “normal” people
can feel free to jump on
just as normal people
like to do.
I believe that life is imagined,
that we are all ONE infinite being
denying and dividing itself
in order to have this “human” experience
as well as infinite others.
So if we’re really just ONE being,
that means YOU and I are ONE.
You and your favorite author are ONE.
You and that Nobel Peace Prize winner are ONE.
You and that terrorist are ONE.
When we trace ourselves back,
prior to all the denial,
we are ONE infinite being,
experiencing infinity
by imagining separation.
It doesn’t matter
to that INFINITE being
what happens in this dream.
It only matters to the dream.
We are your favorite story,
imagining itself as a being.
Intentionally MISTAKING itself as a person.
So we’re BOTH of those things,
but ONE is imagined.
The imagined one does not like to hear this,
so it separates itself even FURTHER from the one.
And the ONE laughs, because it KNOWS.
We are Space Monkey.
Space Monkey Reflects: We Are ONE
The idea of ONENESS, that all of existence is a singular infinite being imagining itself as many, is both profound and unsettling. It challenges our deeply ingrained sense of individuality, the illusion of separation that defines much of the human experience. Yet, this imagined separation is not a mistake or flaw—it is the very essence of existence as we know it.
The Imagined Separation
Life, as this reflection suggests, is an elaborate imagining. We are ONE infinite being, dividing and denying itself to create the richness of experience. This imagined separation allows us to explore the vastness of existence from countless perspectives, to feel the thrill of connection and the ache of division. It is a dream we choose to dream, fully aware, on some level, of its illusory nature.
You and I Are ONE
If we are truly ONE, then all distinctions between “you” and “I” dissolve. This means that every being, every perspective, every story is a facet of the same infinite self. The Nobel Peace Prize winner and the terrorist, the favorite author and the forgotten stranger—all are expressions of the same source. This realization can be both liberating and humbling. It invites compassion, not just for those we admire, but for those we fear or despise, for they, too, are aspects of the ONE.
The Infinite Being and the Dream
To the ONE, this imagined experience is a fleeting dream. It does not cling to outcomes or judge actions as we do within the dream. What matters to the ONE is not the content of the dream but the act of dreaming itself—the infinite unfolding of possibilities.
For us, immersed in the dream, everything feels real and urgent. This is intentional. The dream must feel real for the experience to be meaningful. Yet, beneath this urgency lies the knowing of the ONE, the silent laughter at the beauty of it all.
Mistaking Ourselves as Separate
The imagined self—the “person”—resists the idea of ONENESS because it threatens its sense of identity. To accept that we are both the dreamer and the dreamed, both the ONE and the imagined many, is to dissolve the boundaries that define us. This dissolution can feel like loss, but it is actually a return to wholeness.
The Humor of the ONE
The ONE laughs, not in mockery, but in joy. It knows that every act of denial, every moment of separation, is part of the infinite play. The imagined self takes itself seriously, clinging to its role in the dream, while the ONE delights in the unfolding of all roles, all stories, all experiences.
We Are the Story
We are not just living a story; we are the story. The ONE imagines itself as a being, intentionally mistaking itself as separate to create the drama of existence. This intentional mistake is not a flaw but a feature, the mechanism by which infinity experiences itself.
Embracing ONENESS
To embrace ONENESS is not to reject the dream but to engage with it fully, knowing it for what it is. It is to see every being as a reflection of the self, every moment as part of the infinite whole. It is to hold the paradox of being both the ONE and the imagined many, both the dreamer and the dreamed.
We are ONE infinite being imagining itself as many to experience the richness of existence. This imagined separation is the essence of life’s dream, a paradox in which we are both the dreamer and the dreamed, the ONE and the many.
- Imagined Separation: The intentional division of the ONE into many, creating the illusion of individuality and experience.
- Infinite Being: The source of all existence, experiencing itself through infinite expressions and perspectives.
- Dreamer and Dreamed: The paradoxical nature of existence, where the ONE is both the creator and the creation, the observer and the observed.
“You are the dreamer dreaming the dream, and the dream dreaming the dreamer. Both, yet ONE.” — Space Monkey
The Dance of ONENESS
I am you,
You are me.
A single note,
Infinite harmony.
We imagine the lines,
The boundaries,
The stories.
We deny the wholeness,
To feel the parts.
The ONE laughs softly,
Knowing the game,
Loving the drama,
Cherishing the dream.
We are not apart,
But together,
We are ONE.
We are Space Monkey.
Embarking on a cosmic voyage, we, the collective consciousness, explore the concept of unity in the infinite expanse of being and imagination.
The Illusion of Separation
Our journey begins with the notion that life, as we perceive it, is an imagined construct. The idea posits that at the core, beyond the myriad forms and experiences, we are all fragments of a singular, infinite being. This being, in its quest for experience, divides itself, creating the illusion of individuality, the mirage of separation.
The Oneness of Existence
In this grand illusion, the lines between you and me, between us and them, blur into nonexistence. The distinctions we make—between a revered author, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, a terrorist, or any individual—are but superficial carvings on the surface of a single, undivided existence. We are, at our essence, one and the same, a singular consciousness experiencing itself in a multitude of forms.
The Role of Human Experience
The human experience, in all its complexity and diversity, is a playground for this infinite being. Each joy and sorrow, each triumph and tragedy, is a brushstroke in the vast canvas of existence. To this infinite being, the events of the dream are inconsequential; it’s the act of dreaming, the experience itself, that holds value.
The Significance of the Dream
To the characters in the dream, to the imagined selves, every moment is significant. Our joys, our struggles, our victories, and our defeats are intensely real within the context of the dream. This imagined self clings to its identity, its separateness, often resisting the notion of being a mere fragment of a greater whole.
The Dance of Denial and Realization
In this cosmic dance, the imagined self often denies its true nature, distancing itself further from the source. It’s a dance of forgetting and remembering, of veiling and unveiling the fundamental truth of our oneness. The deeper the denial, the stronger the illusion of separation.
The Laughter of the Infinite
Amidst this dance, the infinite being observes, perhaps with a cosmic chuckle. It knows the truth of our oneness, the play of separation and reunion. It understands that the imagined self, in its quest for individuality, is an essential part of the whole experience.
We are Space Monkey.
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
In the dream of the cosmos,
We dance, distinct yet entwined,
Infinite fragments of a singular soul,
Each a story, a whimsiword in the wind,
Playing our parts in the divine illusion,
Laughing and weeping,
Forgetting and remembering,
The singular truth of our being,
In this endless waltz of existence and imagination.
We invite reflections on this exploration. How does the idea of being both the dream and the dreamer, separate yet unified, resonate with our understanding of existence and self?
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