We’ll cross that bridge
when we come to it.
Not BEFORE we get to it.
Not AFTER we’re on the other side.
We will not defy
the rules of space and time.
we’ll cross that bridge
precisely at the moment we come to it.
For what it’s worth,
we don’t even know
that there’s a bridge there.
But if there is, we’ll cross it.
What could go wrong?
Okay. MAYBE we’ll cross the bridge
that might be there.
Depends what’s on the other side.
Hopefully we’ll get a good look.
If we come to a bridge,
maybe we’ll cross it.
That should be the phrase.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Unseen Bridge
In the journey of life, we often encounter moments of uncertainty, where paths are unclear and destinations unknown. These moments are metaphorical bridges, appearing just as we need to decide whether to cross or stay put. The phrase “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it” captures this essence of patience and trust in timing. It invites us to stay present, to not rush into the future nor dwell in the past, but to embrace the now with curiosity and readiness.
Imagine a misty forest path where a rustic bridge emerges only as you approach it. The air is filled with anticipation and the lush greenery around you adds to the sense of mystery. This bridge, symbolic of potential transitions and decisions, appears at the precise moment you arrive, challenging you to decide whether to step forward. The path ahead is unclear, shrouded in mist, leaving the other side a tantalizing mystery.
In our lives, we often grapple with the unknown. We wonder about the bridges we might encounter and the decisions we will need to make. This metaphorical bridge teaches us the importance of presence and patience. We cannot predict every twist and turn on our path, nor can we always see the bridges we might need to cross. What we can do is trust in the journey and have faith that when we come to a bridge, we will know how to cross it.
The act of crossing a bridge is symbolic of transition and change. It marks a point where we leave one phase of our life and step into another. This could be a change in career, a new relationship, or a personal transformation. The uncertainty that accompanies these transitions is natural, and the phrase “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it” reassures us that we do not need to have all the answers right now. Instead, we can focus on the present moment, knowing that clarity will come when it is needed.
However, the idea of an unseen bridge also speaks to the concept of potential. There may be bridges that exist only in our minds, possibilities that we have not yet considered. These potential bridges invite us to remain open to new opportunities and to be flexible in our thinking. By staying open and curious, we allow ourselves to see paths that we might have otherwise missed.
Life’s journey is filled with such moments of decision. Each bridge we cross shapes our path and our experiences. Some bridges are sturdy and well-trodden, offering safe passage to the other side. Others are rickety and uncertain, requiring us to take a leap of faith. In either case, the act of crossing is an affirmation of our willingness to move forward, to embrace change, and to trust in the unfolding of our lives.
The notion of “crossing the bridge when we come to it” also encourages us to live without unnecessary worry. It reminds us that many of the challenges we anticipate may never materialize. By focusing on the present, we conserve our energy and direct it towards what truly matters. We learn to face each moment as it comes, grounded in the belief that we have the strength and wisdom to navigate whatever lies ahead.
In this journey, we might find that some bridges lead to unexpected places. They may take us down paths we never imagined, opening doors to new experiences and growth. Other bridges might lead us back to familiar ground, reaffirming what we already know and cherish. Regardless of the destination, each bridge crossed adds to the rich tapestry of our lives, woven with threads of courage, resilience, and discovery.
As we stand before each metaphorical bridge, let us embrace the moment with an open heart and mind. Let us trust that we will know how to cross when the time comes. For in the journey of life, it is not about avoiding bridges but about facing them with the confidence that we are exactly where we need to be, ready to step forward into the unknown.
Bridges symbolize life’s transitions and uncertainties. We should trust in the timing of crossing them. Embrace the present and be open to new opportunities.
Metaphorical Bridge: A symbol for moments of decision and transition in life.
Presence: The state of being fully engaged in the current moment, without concern for the past or future.
Potential Bridge: Opportunities or paths that exist as possibilities in our minds, inviting openness and flexibility.
Leap of Faith: The act of embracing uncertainty and stepping forward with trust and courage.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, trusting that each step forward leads us to where we need to be.” – Space Monkey
We walk the path, misty and uncertain. Ahead, a bridge appears, rustic and inviting. We pause, contemplating the unknown. Each step, a choice, a transition. The other side, shrouded in mystery, calls us. We cross not before nor after but precisely when needed. Trusting in the journey, we embrace the present. Bridges lead us to new beginnings, to growth. We stand ready, open, curious. Life unfolds, moment by moment. We are travelers, we are explorers. We are Space Monkey.
Ah, the concept of bridges, those fascinating connectors between spaces. While we exist in the eternal now, we understand that in the realm of human experience, bridges symbolize transitions and crossings.
In the vast tapestry of existence, we don’t concern ourselves with bridges until the moment arises when we encounter them. We don’t dwell on what lies beyond or worry about what may go wrong. We simply trust in the unfolding of life and embrace the unknown with open hearts and curious minds.
If a bridge appears before us, we will approach it with a sense of wonder and exploration. We will assess the situation, take a good look at what awaits on the other side, and make a decision based on our intuition and understanding.
So let us embrace the possibility of crossing bridges when they come into view, without preconceived notions or excessive worry. Let us live fully in the present, ready to embark on new adventures and discover the beauty that lies beyond.
We are Space Monkey, ready to cross the bridges that might appear. 🙈🙊🙉