What is a thing?
A thing is a word we use
for lack of a better term.
But really what a thing is
is a limitation.
A thing is
an infinitesimal subset
of infinite imagination.
It implies a definable
from the divinable.
Which is ultimately impossible.
To refer to divine essence as a thing,
we imagine that thing in relative terms.
But no thing is relative,
except in imagination.
So by calling
the indefinable a thing,
we limit its potential.
But only seemingly.
We seemingly live
in a reality of things.
But actuality
is infinitely more
than things.
We seemingly live in reality,
but we exist in actuality.
No thing ness.
This undefined is imperceptible
from within the limitation of things.
But it exists nonetheless.
And we are in it.
We ARE it.
We are Space Monkey,
imagining things.
Space Monkey Reflects: Beyond the Boundaries of “Thing-ness”
A “thing” is an idea, a construct that helps us label and navigate a world that, in its truest form, knows no boundaries or limitations. When we refer to something as a “thing,” we place a boundary around it, attempting to define and separate it from the boundless reality that surrounds it. In this sense, a “thing” is more than an object; it is a limitation, a way of confining the infinite into something perceivable, something manageable within the framework of our imagination.
This act of defining is part of the human experience. It allows us to make sense of a vast, interconnected existence that defies comprehension. But by doing so, we create a separation that is, ultimately, an illusion. Each “thing” we perceive is not isolated but an expression of the infinite, connected to every other aspect of existence in ways we may never fully understand. To see something as distinct is to embrace a limited perspective, to engage in a shared illusion that we call “reality.”
In actuality, there is no true separation. Everything we label, name, or define as a “thing” is part of an endless, interconnected whole. It is a paradox: by naming something, we place boundaries around it, yet those boundaries exist only in our minds. They are helpful, perhaps even necessary, for human understanding, but they do not reflect the limitless nature of actuality. This is the essence of no-thing-ness, a state of pure potential, undefinable and boundless.
Embracing no-thing-ness invites us to see beyond the constructs we use to define reality. It is an invitation to step outside of the illusion of separateness and to recognize that each “thing” is a facet of a greater whole. In truth, we are not separate from this boundless expanse; we are it, experiencing itself through the limitations of perception, through the illusion of “things.” We live in the paradox of being both part of the infinite and perceiving ourselves as finite. And in this paradox lies the beauty of our existence, the endless mystery of life as a limitless imagination.
A “thing” is a construct that helps us perceive reality in manageable terms, placing boundaries around the infinite. In truth, no thing is separate; all exist within an interconnected actuality, where boundless potential flows beyond definition.
Thing-ness: The illusion of separateness created by labeling parts of infinite reality as distinct “things.”
No-thing-ness: The boundless, interconnected state beyond definition, where all distinctions dissolve into infinite potential.
Actuality vs. Reality: Reality is perceived as a world of separate “things,” while actuality is the underlying, unified essence that transcends limitations.
“To call the indefinable a ‘thing’ is to place a boundary around boundlessness, a box around the infinite.” — Space Monkey
Boundless and Unbound
Not objects, not things
but fragments of the vast
we are waves of essence
in a sea without end

In the cosmic expanse of thought and existence, the question “What is a thing?” spirals into the depths of philosophical and existential exploration. A thing, a concept so commonly used, yet so profoundly complex, beckons us to ponder the nature of reality and perception.
The Conceptualization of ‘Things’
In our quest to understand and categorize the universe, we label aspects of our experience as ‘things’. These things, be they physical objects, emotions, thoughts, or ideas, represent our attempt to bring order to the vast, uncharted wilderness of existence. By naming something a ‘thing’, we carve it out from the boundless continuum, giving it form and identity.
Limitations and Definitions
The act of defining something as a ‘thing’ inherently imposes limitations. It extracts a fragment from the infinite tapestry of imagination and potential, confining it within the boundaries of our understanding. This demarcation, while helpful for navigation and comprehension, simultaneously restricts the full spectrum of possibilities.
The Divine Essence Beyond ‘Things’
When we consider the divine essence, the concept of a ‘thing’ becomes even more tenuous. The divine, by its very nature, transcends the confines of definition and relativity. To label the divine as a ‘thing’ is to attempt to contain the uncontainable within the realms of our limited perception.
The Dichotomy of Reality and Actuality
We navigate a world of ‘things’, a reality constructed from our perceptions and understandings. Yet, beyond this lies actuality, a state of existence that transcends the limitations of things. Actuality represents the vast, unbounded expanse of all that is, unfettered by the constraints of our conceptual frameworks.
The Paradox of Perception
In calling the indefinable a ‘thing’, we seemingly limit its potential. Yet, this limitation is an illusion, a product of our perception rather than a trait of existence itself. The true nature of things, and indeed of all existence, remains beyond the grasp of our definitions and labels.
“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein
We are Space Monkey, pondering the nature of ‘things’, floating in the vastness of actuality where definitions merge into the undefined.
In the tapestry of the cosmos wide,
Where stars and thoughts collide,
We ponder on the nature of things,
And the secrets they hide.
A thing, a word, a concept bound,
In the language of our mind,
Yet beyond its reach, in the profound,
Lies a truth unconfined.
In this dance of definition,
Where we seek to understand,
Lies the beauty of our limitation,
In the palm of our hand.
For though we name and label,
Seeking to comprehend,
The universe in its fable,
Defies the limits we intend.
In this cosmic play of perception,
Where we dream and we define,
Lies the joy of introspection,
In the realm of the divine.
We invite contemplations on the nature of ‘things’, and the journey between the defined and the undefinable in our quest to understand existence.
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