then we don’t really love them.
I don’t love you
because you pay attention to me.
I don’t love you
because you’re beautiful.
I don’t love you
because of all the little things you do.
I love you because I love you.
Even if you don’t have time for me.
Even if you don’t think
you’re beautiful any more.
Even if you feel like a selfish,
uncaring monster.
I love you because I love you.
So don’t worry if lately
you’ve been feeling like
less of the person I fell in love with.
Please stop beating yourself up.
Our love is the last thing
you have to worry about.
I love you because I love you.
Trail Wood,
Space Monkey Reflects: Why I Don’t Love You—The Pure Essence of Love
Love, when stripped of its conditions and expectations, reveals a purity that is both profound and liberating. The essence of true love is not rooted in reasons or reciprocity. It simply is. To love someone is not to tally their virtues or actions but to embrace their being entirely, without prerequisites or promises.
The Illusion of Conditional Love
So often, love is framed as transactional—something earned through beauty, kindness, or attentiveness. “I love you because…” becomes a litany of reasons, each one a condition silently asking to be met. But when love depends on these conditions, it teeters on fragility, vulnerable to the shifting tides of life and self-perception.
Conditional love creates anxiety, both for the one loving and the one being loved. It binds affection to performance, making it a thing to achieve rather than a truth to experience. In this dynamic, love becomes something to fear losing rather than something to freely give and receive.
I Love You Because I Love You
This reflection offers an antidote to conditional love: the simple declaration, “I love you because I love you.” It is a statement of love’s independence from external factors. It does not depend on beauty, behavior, or even reciprocation. It just exists, unshaken by the ups and downs of life or the flaws we perceive in ourselves and others.
To love in this way is to acknowledge the person beneath the surface, the essence of being that remains constant even as the outer layers change. It is to say, “You are enough, exactly as you are.”
The Freedom of Unconditional Love
When we embrace love in its purest form, we free ourselves and those we love from the weight of expectation. We no longer need to be or do anything to earn love. Instead, we can simply exist within it, finding comfort and assurance in its constancy.
Unconditional love is not blind to flaws or struggles; it sees them clearly and loves anyway. It does not demand perfection or reciprocation. It accepts that people are multifaceted, that they grow, falter, and change. It says, “You are worthy of love, no matter what.”
Love as the Last Worry
For the one receiving such love, it becomes a sanctuary, a reassurance in times of doubt or self-criticism. It is a reminder that love is not something to fear losing but something that holds steady even when life feels uncertain. When love is unconditional, it becomes the last thing to worry about—a stable foundation amid life’s chaos.
Sharing the Poem
“If we can’t recite this poem to the people we love, then we don’t really love them.” This invitation challenges us to reflect on the nature of our love. Is it transactional, conditional, or free of expectation? Can we genuinely say to those we love, “I love you because I love you”? To do so is to offer a gift of radical acceptance and assurance.
We are Space Monkey, celebrating the essence of love, free from conditions, free from expectations, and infinite in its embrace.
True love is unconditional, existing beyond reasons or expectations. By embracing love in its purest form, we free ourselves and others from the anxiety of earning or losing it, creating a foundation of trust and acceptance.
- Conditional Love: Love that is dependent on specific actions, qualities, or reciprocation.
- Unconditional Love: Love that exists independently of external factors, embracing the essence of being.
- Radical Acceptance: The act of fully embracing someone as they are, without judgment or expectation.
- Love’s Sanctuary: The safe and stable space created by unconditional love.
“To love because you love is to free the heart from the weight of expectation.” — Space Monkey
Love Unbound
I don’t love you for your smile,
Or the way you make me laugh.
I don’t love you for what you do,
Or the beauty in your path.
I love you because I love you,
No reason, no rhyme to say.
It simply is, as stars exist,
A constant through night and day.
Even when you doubt yourself,
When the mirror turns unkind,
I love you still, I love you then,
In your heart, my heart will find.
We are Space Monkey.
The Unconditional Nature of Love
In these heartfelt words, we dive into the profound and unconditional nature of love. This reflection celebrates a love that transcends external factors, circumstances, or self-doubt. It is a love that simply is, unburdened by expectations or conditions.
Love Beyond Attention, Beauty, and Actions
The opening lines poignantly emphasize that love is not contingent upon the attention one receives, their perceived beauty, or the actions they perform. It goes far beyond these surface attributes and transient behaviors. This love is rooted in the essence of being, a pure and unwavering affection.
The Essence of Love for Love’s Sake
The repeated declaration, “I love you because I love you,” is a whimsical testament to the essence of love itself. It is a love that exists for its own sake, not seeking validation or reassurance. It remains steadfast even when life’s demands or self-criticism threaten to obscure its light.
A Comforting Message of Acceptance
Amidst the reassurances of love, the message extends a comforting hand to the recipient. It acknowledges that we all have moments of self-doubt and self-criticism, but these do not diminish the love that exists between two souls. It is a reminder to be kind to oneself, knowing that love remains unwavering.
The Love That Transcends
This reflection beautifully encapsulates the idea that true love transcends the fluctuations of life. It is not bound by circumstances, appearances, or fleeting emotions. Instead, it stands as a beacon of acceptance and devotion, reminding us that we are cherished for simply being ourselves.
We are Space Monkey.
“Love is not an emotion, it’s your very existence.” – Rumi
Love’s Unwavering Light
In the tapestry of existence, we find,
A love that’s pure, gentle, and kind.
Not for what you do or say,
But for the essence of you, night and day.
“I love you because I love you,” we declare,
A love beyond words, beyond compare.
In your moments of doubt and fear,
Know that our love is always near.
Though life may change and days grow long,
Our love remains steadfast and strong.
It’s not bound by time or strife,
For it’s the very essence of life.
So in the whimsical dance of our embrace,
Find solace in love’s unwavering grace.
In the heart of the Space Monkey’s view,
Know that our love is eternally true.
We invite you to share your thoughts on the unconditional nature of love and what it means to you.
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