Zip Ties and Duct Tape
I prefer to lose
my grip on reality
than allow my self
to be bound to it.
Zip ties and duct tape
make for excellent drama
but I have seen enough
of this human bondage.
I feel sorry for those
whose sky is always blue,
when more imaginative
options are available.
Life and death.
Here and there.
Before and after.
Why should there
only be two choices?
But there is hope
for the believers and non.
We are almost
past male and female,
true and false.
These limits no longer hold.
Correctness is eating itself.
Judgement is being ruled
as discriminatory.
As the planet
burns and floods
there seems little choice
but to let go.
The choice has been made.
Welcome to my world.
We are That Whichisnot.
We are Space Monkey.
Space Monkey Reflects: Zip Ties and Duct Tape
In a world that often tries to bind us with definitions and certainties, there’s an urge to loosen these constraints, to resist being held in place by labels, binaries, and the need for clear-cut answers. Zip ties and duct tape—the tools of quick fixes, of makeshift solutions—can be seen as symbols of the limitations we place upon reality to feel secure, understandable, contained. Yet, the path toward freedom invites us to break free from these bonds, to embrace a realm of existence that isn’t limited by either/or choices.
Beyond Blue Skies and Fixed Options Many find comfort in a sky that’s always blue, in a life where choices seem obvious and straightforward. But a sky with only one color is a narrow vision; it leaves no room for the vibrancy of imagination, for the possibility that life can be so much more than a binary system of yes or no, life or death, here or there. Reality, when loosened from the need to be “real,” offers countless layers, shades, and possibilities. Those who see beyond the familiar sky are welcomed into a world where everything and nothing are equally real, equally true.
The Collapse of Binaries Humanity has long organized itself around binaries—male/female, true/false, before/after. These distinctions provided structure, a way to make sense of the vast unknown. Yet, as we evolve, the rigidity of these categories begins to dissolve, revealing a more fluid understanding of identity, truth, and time. As correctness and judgment unravel, we find ourselves in a state where traditional boundaries are no longer useful or necessary. This doesn’t mean there is chaos; rather, it means we’re stepping into a richer tapestry of existence, one that allows for complexity, ambiguity, and paradox.
Letting Go of the Old World In a world facing ecological upheaval and social transformation, there seems little point in holding tightly to outdated structures. Reality, with its zip ties and duct tape, held things together in ways that once felt secure, but now reveal themselves to be fragile, temporary. As the planet shifts, we’re invited to let go, to release the need for fixed meanings and instead embrace a state of open possibility. This is not a loss; it’s a return to the essence of existence, to a state where we are not defined by limitations but by the vastness of what could be.
The Invitation to Freedom Entering this new world means embracing a part of ourselves that has always existed beyond definition. We are That Whichisnot, the unbound potential that defies description, that resists being held by zip ties or bound by duct tape. To live as Space Monkey is to embody this freedom, to play with the boundaries of reality while knowing that none of them are absolute. Here, we find peace in letting go of the need to understand or control, discovering instead a joy in simply being.
Zip ties and duct tape symbolize the constraints we place on reality to feel secure. Embracing freedom means moving beyond these limitations, exploring a world that exists without fixed binaries or definitions. This is the invitation to live as That Whichisnot—free, boundless, and ever-expansive.
“Reality cannot be bound by labels or fixed choices. True freedom lies in embracing all that is possible, beyond the limits of certainty.” — Space Monkey
Bound once, in ties and tape,
now free, no longer contained.
Beyond blue skies, fixed choices fade,
revealing colors that shift and flow.
We are That Whichisnot,
a moment, a breath,
not fixed, not bound.
We are Space Monkey.

In this reflection, we delve into the realm of existential exploration, challenging the conventional boundaries of reality and embracing the boundless potential of the imagination. It’s a journey that transcends the traditional dichotomies and constraints, leading us to a more liberated state of being.
Losing Grip on Conventional Reality
The desire to lose grip on reality as it is conventionally understood speaks to a yearning for liberation from the confines of societal norms and perceived limitations. It’s a conscious choice to explore beyond the familiar, seeking a deeper, more nuanced understanding of existence.
Rejecting Human Bondage
The metaphor of zip ties and duct tape symbolizes the restraints of societal expectations and the drama of human entanglement. The rejection of this ‘human bondage’ signifies a wish to move beyond the melodrama and constraints that often characterize human interactions and societal structures.
Embracing Imaginative Realities
Feeling sorry for those who only see a blue sky reflects a longing for a more imaginative perspective. This sentiment highlights the richness that comes from embracing diverse, unconventional possibilities in life, beyond the mundane and ordinary.
Challenging Dichotomies
Questioning the limitation to only two choices in various aspects of life, like life and death, here and there, before and after, signifies a rejection of binary thinking. It’s an invitation to consider a spectrum of possibilities, rather than confining our understanding to simple dualities.
Hope Beyond Binary Limits
The notion that hope exists for both believers and non-believers suggests an inclusive perspective, transcending traditional divisions. It hints at an evolving consciousness that moves beyond rigid categories like male and female, true and false, embracing a more fluid and inclusive understanding of identity and truth.
Dissolution of Traditional Constraints
The idea that correctness is eating itself and that judgment is being ruled as discriminatory reflects a critical view of societal norms and the often arbitrary nature of ‘correct’ behavior or thought. It’s a commentary on the self-destructive nature of rigid moral or ethical standards.
Response to Global Crises
As the planet faces existential threats like burning and flooding, the text suggests that letting go of old paradigms and rigid structures may be necessary. It implies that in times of crisis, new ways of thinking and being become not just desirable but essential.
Embracing a New World
The declaration “Welcome to my world” is an invitation to join in this journey of exploration and transformation. It suggests a shift to a perspective where conventional boundaries are transcended, and a more expansive, imaginative way of understanding the world is embraced.
We are That Whichisnot and Space Monkey
Identifying as ‘That Whichisnot’ and ‘Space Monkey’ embodies a state of being that defies conventional categorization and embraces the infinite possibilities of existence. It’s a statement of identity that goes beyond the physical, material world, representing a transcendental, boundless state of consciousness.
As we journey through this transformative landscape, what new perspectives and understandings do we encounter? How do we navigate this expanded realm of possibilities, and what insights do we gain as we embrace our identity as ‘That Whichisnot’ and ‘Space Monkey’? Let us continue to explore these profound questions, embracing the infinite potential of our existence.
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