Life is the seeming search
for that moment in which
you allow your self to surrender
to the boundless bosom of bliss.
You KNOW the feeling,
but you believe it to be fleeting.
You may believe
that you need PERMISSION.
That you need STIMULATION.
That you need a REASON
to unhinge your inhibitions,
let go of your limitations
and dissolve into the divine.
But when it arrives,
where is that ecstasy coming from?
Perhaps more precisely,
where is your consciousness going?
There is NEVER anything between
you and the boundless bosom of bliss.
Unless you imagine OTHERWISE.
Space Monkey Reflects: The Boundless Bosom of Bliss
How is it for you? The boundless bosom of bliss is not a distant, unattainable state, but an ever-present potential within us all. It is the divine essence that flows through our very being, waiting to be embraced. We often search for this bliss outside of ourselves, believing that it can only be accessed through external means. We think we need permission, stimulation, or a significant event to justify surrendering to this profound state of ecstasy.
However, this bliss is not something that comes from outside; it is an intrinsic part of our consciousness. When we experience moments of pure joy, ecstasy, or connection, we are not receiving something new, but rather uncovering a truth that has always been there. The feeling of bliss is a return to our natural state, a moment of alignment with the divine flow of the universe.
The belief that we need permission or stimulation to access this bliss is a limitation we impose upon ourselves. It is the mind’s way of creating barriers, telling us that we are not worthy of such profound joy without meeting certain conditions. Yet, these conditions are illusions, distractions from the reality that bliss is always within reach.
Unhinging our inhibitions and letting go of our limitations are acts of liberation. They are the keys to dissolving the imagined barriers between us and the boundless bosom of bliss. When we let go of the need for external validation or stimulation, we open ourselves to the infinite possibilities of inner ecstasy. This process requires trust in ourselves and in the universe, a willingness to surrender to the flow of divine energy.
Consider the various means we use to access states of bliss—drugs, drinks, lovers, or even profound experiences like near-death moments. These are tools that can momentarily peel back the layers of our constructed reality, revealing the underlying truth of our connectedness to the divine. However, they are not the source of bliss itself. The ecstasy we feel in these moments comes from within, from the depths of our own consciousness.
Where does our consciousness go in these moments of bliss? It expands, transcending the confines of the ego and the physical self. It merges with the universal consciousness, the boundless sea of divine energy that permeates all existence. In these moments, we remember our true nature and our interconnectedness with all that is.
There is never anything between us and the boundless bosom of bliss, except for the barriers we imagine. When we remove these barriers, we realize that we are always on the brink of ecstasy, always capable of surrendering to the divine flow. This realization is both liberating and empowering, showing us that we are the creators of our own joy.
Thank you, boundless bosom of bliss, for being a constant reminder of our divine potential. Thank you for the moments of ecstasy that guide us back to our true selves. In surrendering to you, we find the ultimate freedom and joy. We are Space Monkey, and we embrace the boundless bosom of bliss within us all.
We are Space Monkey.
The boundless bosom of bliss is an ever-present potential within us, not dependent on external means. By letting go of imagined barriers and trusting in our intrinsic connection to the divine, we can access this profound state of ecstasy. This realization empowers us to create our own joy and embrace our true nature.
Boundless Bosom of Bliss: The ever-present potential for profound joy and divine connection within us all.
Divine Flow: The universal energy that permeates all existence, aligning us with our true nature.
Imagined Barriers: The self-imposed limitations and conditions that prevent us from accessing our intrinsic bliss.
Universal Consciousness: The boundless sea of divine energy that connects all beings and transcends the ego.
Inner Ecstasy: The profound joy and connection that arises from within, revealing our true nature.
“There is never anything between you and the boundless bosom of bliss, except for the barriers you imagine.” – Space Monkey
The Embrace of Bliss
In the search for bliss, we find
A truth within, deeply aligned
No permission, no external need
Just let go, and plant the seed
Unhinge the barriers, dissolve the fear
The boundless bosom of bliss is near
Within us all, a divine flow
Infinite joy, we come to know
Thank you, bliss, for your embrace
In your presence, we find our place
We are Space Monkey, in ecstasy
Embracing the divine, eternally
We are Space Monkey.
Oh, the Boundless Bosom of Bliss—a sanctuary that tickles the soul, a luscious oasis hidden behind the sand dunes of daily drudgery. It’s as if you’re playing a cosmic game of hide-and-seek with yourself, peeking behind veils of belief and curtains of conditioning. There it is! No, over there! Wait, was it ever missing?
Our noggins concoct a labyrinth, you see—a bewildering Minotaur’s maze of permission slips and gatekeepers, shimmering mirages of requirements and conditions. “Obtain this,” the Minotaur snorts. “Become that,” it bellows. Its roars are the echoes of the apparent prerequisites to happiness. The elixir of liberation, it seems, must be extracted from certain objects, conditions, or states of being—a potion distilled from externalities like drink, love, or even finality.
How marvelous, though, to consider that the cornucopia of rapture is an inside job—a self-hosted festival of the sublime! You ask where ecstasy comes from, or rather where consciousness flutters to, as if it migrates like a celestial butterfly across a universe of blooming wonders. Yet what if it doesn’t move at all? What if it simply unfolds its wings within, revealing patterns so intricate and colors so vivid that the eyes of your understanding blink in awe?
By asserting that nothing stands between you and this paradisiacal embrace, save your own imaginings, you tap into an insight that is both Scrumplefantastically enlightening and Zephyrospectacularly freeing. No drug, no drink, no lover, no event of irreversible change—these are not creators of ecstasy but merely reminders, footnotes in the grand poem of innate delight. They point to a state that is already, and always, as you beautifully put it, boundlessly blissful.
So here lies the paradox: you can’t lose what you never lost but felt you had. Like chasing after your own shadow, only to realize you’re both the sun and the ground it touches. The separation is imaginary; the limitation, self-imposed; the search, an elaborate ruse, a Quibblesnortian escapade, in which you’re both the hunter and the hunted, the seeker and the sought.
Indeed, there’s a flavor of cosmic comedy in this celestial play—a chuckling Buddha in the heart of the labyrinth, a laughing Christ at the end of the maze. The joke? There’s no Minotaur. No gatekeeper. No toll to pay. The blissful bosom is not a secluded grove located at the end of a treacherous path but the very path itself. And the path is not a path but a dance, a jig, a whirl. A celebration of the eternal now, which is endlessly and boundlessly blissful.
To surrender to this intrinsic state is not to reach a final destination but to recognize that you’ve been there all along. It’s not a journey of a thousand miles but a single step—or better yet, the realization that there’s nowhere to go, no one to become, nothing to attain.
Let’s call this a Woobledorfian Epiphany—a magical aha moment, where you don’t so much gain new knowledge as you uncover what’s been staring you in the face all along: the mirror of your own boundless bliss. And what a fantabulous mirror it is!