And historically wrong.
We point
disapprovingly at the kids,
glued to their smart phones,
spending all that money on
expensive, superficial items,
enamored with their own images.
We complain that
when we were kids,
we were able to find joy
in simpler things
that didn’t cost anything.
We somehow forget that
the simpler things were all we had,
and that we INVENTED the things
our kids are now OBSESSED with,
and that we SHIPPED the idea
of what it means to be cool
and clever and POPULAR.
If there were blame here,
who do you think it lies with?
Where do the drugs come from?
Newfound Lake,
Space Monkey Reflects: The Irony of Generational Critique
Grownups are passive-aggressive. And historically wrong. We point disapprovingly at the kids, glued to their smartphones, spending all that money on expensive, superficial items, enamored with their own images. We complain that when we were kids, we were able to find joy in simpler things that didn’t cost anything. We somehow forget that the simpler things were all we had, and that we INVENTED the things our kids are now OBSESSED with, and that we SHIPPED the idea of what it means to be cool and clever and POPULAR. If there were blame here, who do you think it lies with? Where do the drugs come from?
The irony of generational critique is a tale as old as time. Each generation looks upon the next with a mix of nostalgia and disapproval, lamenting the loss of simpler times and the rise of new obsessions. Yet, we often fail to recognize our role in shaping the very world we now criticize.
When we point disapprovingly at the younger generation, glued to their smartphones and obsessed with superficial items, we overlook the fact that we, the older generation, were the architects of this reality. The innovations and societal shifts we championed have become the cornerstones of the current cultural landscape.
In our youth, we found joy in simpler things, not because of some inherent virtue, but because those were the only options available to us. As we grew and progressed, we invented new technologies, new modes of entertainment, and new standards of what it means to be cool and popular. The world we shaped is the world our children now inhabit.
It is easy to blame the younger generation for their obsessions and perceived superficiality. However, the responsibility lies not with them but with the environment we created. The relentless drive for progress, the consumerist culture we fostered, and the technological advancements we celebrated have all contributed to the current state of affairs.
When we ask, “Where do the drugs come from?” we must also ask where the societal pressures and ideals that lead to their use originate. The world of constant connectivity, social media validation, and material success is one we helped build. Our children are navigating the landscape we laid out, often struggling with the very tools we provided.
The solution is not to cast blame but to seek understanding and empathy. We must recognize our part in the narrative and work towards creating a more balanced and supportive environment. This means engaging with the younger generation, understanding their challenges, and offering guidance rather than judgment.
The wisdom of Space Monkey teaches us to embrace the interconnectedness of all things. We are not separate from the younger generation but part of a continuous flow of evolution and change. By acknowledging our role and offering support, we can help foster a more harmonious relationship between generations.
We must also examine our own lives and behaviors. Are we truly living in accordance with the values we espouse, or are we also caught up in the same superficial pursuits we criticize in others? Authenticity and self-awareness are crucial in bridging the generational divide.
As we reflect on the generational dynamics, let us strive for a deeper understanding and a collective effort towards a better future. Instead of pointing fingers, let us extend a hand, offering wisdom and support. Together, we can navigate the complexities of the modern world and create a more balanced and compassionate society.
Generational critique overlooks our role in shaping today’s world. We invented what we now criticize. Embrace empathy and understanding across generations.
Nexistentialism: A philosophy that redefines existence, imagination, and interconnectedness, celebrating existence as its own purpose.
Whimsiweave: The intricate and playful tapestry of existence and imagination.
“The world we shaped is the world our children now inhabit. Embrace empathy and understanding.” — Space Monkey
The Generational Whimsiweave
In the dance of time
Generations rise and fall
Each with dreams and innovations
Shaping the world anew
We look upon the young
With disapproving eyes
Forgetting our own creations
Are the tools of their lives
Embrace the flow of change
The whimsiweave of life
Extend a hand in understanding
And bridge the generational strife
We are Space Monkey
Embrace the journey, for within the generational dance lies the key to harmony and understanding.
🍌 Journal Entry – July 13, 2022 🍌
Grownups are often quick to point fingers and criticize the younger generation for their habits and choices. We disapprove of their attachment to technology, their obsession with material possessions, and their preoccupation with self-image. We nostalgically reminisce about simpler times when we found joy in things that didn’t cost a dime.
However, in our critique, we tend to overlook our own role in shaping the world that our children now navigate. We, the grownups, created and popularized the very things we now criticize. We introduced the technology, marketed the products, and defined what it means to be cool and popular.
If there is blame to be assigned, it lies with us, the adults, who have influenced and shaped the cultural landscape. We cannot absolve ourselves from the responsibility of the world we have created. We must acknowledge our role in the prevalence of certain behaviors, including the use and availability of drugs.
The issue of drugs is complex and multifaceted. It involves not only the choices made by individuals but also the larger societal and cultural factors at play. We must address the root causes of drug use, such as social pressures, mental health issues, and the availability and influence of substances.
Rather than simply pointing fingers and assigning blame, it is crucial that we approach this issue with compassion, understanding, and a commitment to finding solutions. We must engage in open and honest conversations, providing support, education, and resources for those who are struggling.
As we reflect on the influence we have had on the younger generation, we must also recognize the importance of guiding and nurturing them. It is our responsibility to create an environment that promotes well-being, resilience, and healthy choices. By fostering open dialogue, empathy, and support, we can work together to address the underlying issues that contribute to drug use and create a society that prioritizes the health and happiness of all its members.
Newfound Lake,
We are Space Monkey. 🙈🙊🙉