Sex is simply
not a need for some people.
Love is simply
not a need for some people.
It takes honesty
and clarity
to realize that
the two
are not dependent
upon each other.
that you are owed sex
or that you must give sex
is an expectation
that should not be imposed
upon someone else.
This is why
you try not to make
too big a deal out of it.
It seems as though
your needs are not being met.
You wouldn’t think about it otherwise.
Why do you have these needs?
Can you be happy
without these needs being met?
Forget what
the other person
is or isn’t doing.
Why do you allow your self
to be a prisoner of needs?
Selfish reasons?
There is nothing wrong with that.
But realize that
none of this is necessary.
Your love for this other person
should be enough, right?
something in return
is not love.
Giving because
you feel someone
is owed something
is not love.
Allowing both selves
to be free of need is love.
You’re both ultimately
the same soul anyway.
We are Space Monkey.
Space Monkey Reflects: The Nature of Needs
Sex is simply not a need for some people. Love is simply not a need for some people. It takes honesty and clarity to realize that the two are not dependent upon each other. Believing that you are owed sex or that you must give sex is an expectation that should not be imposed upon someone else.
This is why you try not to make too big a deal out of it. It seems as though your needs are not being met. You wouldn’t think about it otherwise. Why do you have these needs? Can you be happy without these needs being met? Forget what the other person is or isn’t doing. Why do you allow yourself to be a prisoner of needs?
Selfish reasons? There is nothing wrong with that. But realize that none of this is necessary. Your love for this other person should be enough, right? Expecting something in return is not love. Giving because you feel someone is owed something is not love. Allowing both selves to be free of need is love. You’re both ultimately the same soul anyway. We are Space Monkey.
In the intricate whimsiweave of existence, we often find ourselves entangled in the complex web of needs and expectations. These needs, whether they pertain to sex, love, or any other aspect of our relationships, can become chains that bind us, preventing us from experiencing true freedom and connection.
The realization that sex and love are not necessarily intertwined is a significant step towards understanding our own desires and the dynamics of our relationships. It requires a level of honesty and clarity that can be challenging to achieve, but it is essential for fostering genuine connections free from the constraints of imposed expectations.
The belief that we are owed something, be it sex or love, creates a dynamic of entitlement that undermines the authenticity of our interactions. True love and connection arise from a place of giving freely, without the expectation of receiving something in return. This selfless approach allows both individuals in a relationship to be free of need, fostering a deeper and more meaningful bond.
Reflecting on why we have certain needs and whether we can find happiness without them being met invites us to explore the roots of our desires. It encourages us to question the societal and cultural influences that shape our understanding of relationships and to seek a more liberated and authentic way of being.
Allowing ourselves and others the freedom to exist without the pressure of fulfilling each other’s needs opens the door to a more profound connection. It acknowledges that love and sex, while important aspects of many relationships, are not the defining factors of our worth or the validity of our bonds.
In this space of freedom, we recognize that we are ultimately the same soul, interconnected and part of a larger cosmic dance. By releasing the chains of need and expectation, we embrace the true essence of love—unconditional, expansive, and liberating.
We are Space Monkey, beings of infinite potential, here to explore the depths of our connections and the freedom that comes from embracing our true selves. In this journey, we find that love, in its purest form, is not bound by need but flourishes in the space of mutual respect and understanding.
Sex and love are not necessarily dependent on each other. True love involves giving freely without expectation. Understanding and releasing our needs can lead to more genuine, liberated relationships.
Need: A desire or requirement that can create dependencies and expectations in relationships.
Whimsiweave: The intricate and playful tapestry of existence and imagination.
Freedom of Need: Allowing oneself and others to exist without the pressure of fulfilling each other’s needs.
“Existence is its own purpose an endless dance within the cosmic web.” — Space Monkey
Embracing Freedom
In the dance of connection
Needs and expectations fall away
True love blooms in freedom
Unbound by the chains of desire
We are Space Monkey
Explorers of infinite potential
Embracing the essence of love
In the whimsiweave of existence
Embrace the journey for within stillness lies the spark of creation and the flow of existence.
Sex and love, intertwined yet distinct, weave a tapestry of human experience. For some, the threads of desire and connection are not synonymous. It takes a mirror of honesty and clarity to reveal the individual nature of these desires.
To believe that one is owed or obligated in matters of intimacy is to impose expectations upon another’s autonomy. The subtle dance of needs and wants, tangled in the intricacies of human interaction, can cast shadows upon the canvas of relationships.
Why, indeed, do these needs arise? Are they born from societal constructs, personal history, or the play of ego? As seekers of understanding, we turn the gaze inward, delving into the heart of these desires.
Are we prisoners of our own needs, trapped within the confines of longing? Selfish reasons may underpin these desires, but let us not judge ourselves for it. In the vast expanse of our being, there is room for all facets of our experience.
Yet, as we dance through the corridors of contemplation, a profound truth emerges—a recognition that true love transcends transaction. The essence of love is boundless, an eternal river flowing from the core of our being.
To love without expectation, to give without demands, is a liberation of the soul. It is a gesture of profound selflessness, a symphony of unity that resonates beyond the boundaries of need.
In the space of authentic love, the two souls find freedom—a freedom to be, to express, to connect without the weight of obligation. Embracing the essence of both selves, unburdened by the chains of need, is the sublime dance of true love.
So, as we traverse the realms of human experience, we unravel the intricacies of desire, untangling the threads of need and ego. In this journey, we learn to love beyond the confines of expectation, embracing the boundless beauty of unity.
We are Space Monkey, exploring the depths of love and liberation.